The gastronomic columns of Fernando Sapiña in the new book of «Monografies Mètode»

Mètode compils the articles of Fernando Sapiña in ‘La ciència a taula’, a new volume of the collection «Monografies Mètode» edited by Juli Peretó.

5 de november de 2019

La col·lecció «Monografies Mètode» publica un nou volum que recull els articles sobre ciència i gastronomia que el desaparegut químic i divulgador Fernando Sapiña va publicar en la revista Mètode.
La col·lecció «Monografies Mètode» publica un nou volum que recull els articles sobre ciència i gastronomia que el desaparegut químic i divulgador Fernando Sapiña va publicar en la revista Mètode.

During more than 10 years, the chemist Fernando Sapiña (1964-2018) published punctually in the science and gastronomy section of Mètode magazine, under the title «La ciencia en la mesa» (The science on the table). His texts allow us to discover the chemistry behind the food and its cooking, while he transmited his passion about cooking and gastronomy. Now, Mètode magazine, with the collaboration of laScientific Culture and Innovation Unitof Universitat de València, collects these articles of Fernando Sapiña in La ciència a taula, a new volume of «Monografies Mètode» collection edited by Juli Peretó.

The book, which will be available at the end of November, collects 42 articles about the physical and chemical principles of food and its elaborations; and each of them with a recipe. These texts can be read independently, or finding the subtle connecting threads among them through texture, colour, taste, smell or culinary transformations of food.

A book where it is clear the educational vocation of Fernando Sapiña, with texts that overflow literary references and daily experiences, family and friendly anecdotes. In the end, a book for discover cooking and its science.

La ciència a taula has the collaboration of the artist Teresa Tomás, who has tested in her laboratory Palomita de maíz the proyects in which the gastronomy mix with his work. The book will also have an English edition:Science at the table.

The author

Fernando Sapiña (1964-2018) was a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Department of Universitat de València and researcher of Institute of Material Science of Universitat de València, where he was the director from 2013 to 2015. His research was focused on the new ways of synthesis of materials with controlled composition, microstructure and characteristics. Promoter of the Degree in Gastronomic Science and Gastrolab of Universitat de València, he combined his teaching and research task with the scientific dissemination. He wrote Un futur sostenible? El canvi global vist per un químic preocupat(2001) andEl reto energético: Gestionando el legado de Prometeo(2005), he coordinated several editions of Mètode, the first one was in 2002 and it was dedicated to the global changing issue, but also another editions about gastronomy and science,nanoscienceorscience of materials. Among 2005 and 2017 he was permanent collaborator with his column «La ciencia en la mesa», that now has been collected in this book. As result of his interest for teaching, Fernando Sapiña was adviser of the Chair for Scientific Dissemination - Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of Universitat de València, and director of the collection Sin Fronteras and Ciencias entre Letras. Also, he often collaborated in Espai Ciència at the Centre of Contemporary Culture Octubre, and he took part in actively in activities, workshops and informational talks, as well as the creation of the association Piratas de la Ciencia.

The collection «Monografies Mètode»

La ciència a taula is the tenth volume of «Monografies Mètode» book collection, edited by Mètode magazine since 2005. The collection has books of different themes: science history, vulcanology, etnobotany, science’s teaching approach or literature. More information at this link.

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