La Universitat joins the celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science

La Universitat joins the celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science that will take place on 11 February. The Burjassot-Paterna Campus has held several actions during this week. Furthermore, this Saturday the ICMoL has organised a workshop aimed at a public older than 6 years to make female scientists visible though experiments. The IFIC has also joined the celebration.

10 de february de 2017

The United Nations Assembly established the 11 February to emphasize and reclaim the presence of women and girls in the scientific field. In its resolution, the UN invites all organizations to join the celebration of this international day “through activities of education and public awareness aiming to promote a full participation in terms of equality when it comes to women and girls in education, training, occupation and the decision making procedures in science”. Thus, last year these celebrations started happening. This year, the ‘11 February’ initiative of the State has been created and supported by different collectives and scientific organisations that have established a full activity calendar from 6 to 19 February. Among them, some centres and research institutes of the Universitat de València.

The Burjassot-Paterna Campus, where most of the faculties teaching scientific degrees are located and different initiatives that make women who study visible, teach and research this area of knowledge. The digital newspaper infoUniversitat has spoken with some of these women in a documentary that can be read here.

On its behalf, the Institute for Molecular Science reclaims scientists who are women and girls with a conference for primary female pupils. They will participate on 11 February in a conference to reclaim the role of female scientists. The activity has been organised along with Nube7. The workshops aim to spread relevant female scientists’ lives among pupils through experiments using light, magnetic fields or chemistry. To check the information click here.

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) joins the initiative motivated by the Women and Science Committee of CSIC to make the work of women in scientific centres of the Council visible. On its website, the IFIC echoes the situation of high school girls. To check the information click here.

The website gathers the organised activities.

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