The main services developed by the Press cabinet are:
News in the official webpage
S 1. Writing, editing and publishing news in the main webpage of the Universitat de València and update them.
UV social media
S 2. Coordinating and creating contents for the UV institutional presence in corporative social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube...) as well as interacting with the followers.
Weekly journal InfoUniversitat
S 3. Writing news in the online weekly journal InfoUniversitat. Updating news, documentaries, interviews, opinion articles, images, audio and video links for UV students that are published at http://...
UV radio and TV
S 4. Managing, alongside the Audio-visual Society, UV radio and television programmes (MEDIAUNI) that are emitted online on a daily basis. Managing the archives that store and make the audio-visual production accessible.
Mediation with other media
S 5. Mediating between the governing bodies, PDI, researching personnel and the representatives of the students and the journalists to make easier the interviews, statements, opinions… Making sure that the institution is present in the journals, radios, TVs, electronic media and agencies. Organizing press conferences.
Newsworthy activities
S 6. Disseminating in mass media (press, radio, TV, agencies and Internet) activities of journalistic importance such as the results of the researches carried out in the institution, the academic, cultural and civic events organized either by students or the teaching body, as well as the institutional information created by the UV members.
Press Dossier
S 7. Creating and editing the Press Dossier on a daily basis to document the published information in around ten written media to the university community.
Expert guide
S 8. Managing the Expert Guide (database) whose purpose is to get UV researchers in touch with journalists in order to organise interviews, TV or radio programmes.
Institutional mailing
S 9. Coordinating mass e-mailing (list zero) with institutional information to all the university community or to certain groups.