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The DATALOCAL programme constitutes a permanent database that contains quantitative and qualitative information of the local entities integrated the direct influence territory of the Universitat de València. Indeed, it aims the identification of the complaints made by the local organisations, through the direct interview with the main local agents, in order to stablish close relationships between these and the university community.

The DATALOCAL programme, attached to the Operational Plan of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, starts in 2010 through the institutional contact between the Universitat de València and the regions and strategic local entities of the area of influence, which makes the signature of collaboration agreements possible (see details in agreements).

The second phase of DATALOCAL is focused on the populations conforming the metropolitan area of the city. There a series on interviews had been carried out to the main politicians and technicians of the local entities, in order to know their needs and their predisposition to collaborate in the programme. First of all, a work has been done in the municipalities of the first metropolitan ring of the Horta area of Valencia, between the months of September and December of 2011. Secondly, the reference municipalities of the second metropolitan ring had been supplied, in particular Camp de Túria, Foia de Bunyol-Xiva, Camp de Morvedre, Ribera Alta and Ribera Baixa, between January and February of 2012.

The third phase of the programme aims to deal with the main local entities of the southern region of the province (La Safor, La Costera, la Vall d'Albaida or la Canal de Navarrés), as well as the inland area (Els Serrans, La Plana de Requena-Utiel, El Racó d'Ademús or La Vall d'Aiora-Cofrents).

Any local entity (city hall or community) of the area of influence of the Universitat de València interested in stablishing a collaboration framework can address to the support unit of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation. Tel. 96 339 50 05.