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Antonio Briz Gómez

Antonio Briz GómezAntoni Briz Gómez is full university professor of Spanish Language in the Department of Spanish of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication at the Universitat de València, just like director of the research team Val.Es.Co., devoted to the study of spoken language and Corpus linguistics. He works in Spanish linguistics and in Spanish pragmatics, and his principal research lines is the analysis of colloquial language and his last publications deal with topics as conversation units, discourse markers and Verbal courtesy. He also has coordinated the book “Saber hablar” (How to speak) and the Guidance of non-sexist communication of the Cervantes Institute, and currently, conducts an interuniversity project titled “Diccionario de partículas discursivas del español”, funded by the Comillas Foundation, a study on the “cortesía atenuadora” (attenuator courtesy) in Spain and America, just like a legal language modernization project in Spain.