Corresponding-pair procedure: a new approach to simulation of dichromatic color perception

P. Capilla, M.A. Díez, M.J. Luque and J. Malo 
JOSA A, Vol. 21, 2, pp 173-186 (2004)


The dichromatic color appearance of a chromatic stimulus T can be described if a stimulus S is found that verifies that a normal observer experiences the same sensation viewing S as a dichromat viewing T. If dichromatic and normal versions of the same color vision model are available, S can be computed by applying the inverse of the normal model to the descriptors of T obtained with the dichromatic model. We give analytical form to this algorithm, which we call the corresponding-pair procedure. The analytical form highlights the requisites that a color vision model must verify for this procedure to be used. To show the capabilities of the method, we apply the algorithm to different color vision models that verify such requisites. This algorithm avoids the need to introduce empirical information alien to the color model used, as was the case with previous methods. The relative simplicity of the procedure and its generality makes the prediction of dichromatic color appearance an additional test of the validity of color vision models. © 2004 Optical Society of America 

Key Words: Color Perception, Dichromats, Corresponding-Pair Procedure.

References: 31

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