[For my publications in the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, please click here.]
NRSurNN3dq4: A Deep Learning Powered Numerical Relativity Surrogate for Binary Black Hole Waveforms
O. Gramaxo Freitas, A. Theodoropoulos, N. Villanueva, T. Fernandes, S. Nunes, J.A. Font, A. Onofre, A. Torres-Forné, and J.D. Martín-Guerrero
Physical Review D, submitted (2024)
Parameter estimation of microlensed gravitational waves with Conditional Variational Autoencoders
R. Bada Nerin, O. Bulashenko, O. Gramaxo Freitas, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, submitted (2024)
Rapid detection of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers using sparse dictionary learning
C. Badger, R. Srinivasan, A. Torres-Forné, M.-A. Bizouard, J.A. Font, M. Sakellariadou, and A. Lamberts
Physical Review D, submitted (2024)
Identifying thermal effects in neutron star merger remnants with model-agnostic waveform reconstructions and third-generation detectors
M. Miravet-Tenés, D. Guerra, M. Ruiz, P. Cerdá-Durán, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, submitted (2024)
Self-consistent treatment of thermal effects in neutron-star post-mergers: observational implications for third-generation gravitational-wave detectors
V. Villa-Ortega, A. Lorenzo-Medina, J. Calderón Bustillo, M. Ruiz, D. Guerra, P. Cerdá-Durán, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D (Letters), submitted (2023)
High-speed reconstruction of long-duration gravitational waves from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals using sparse dictionary learning
C. Badger, J.A. Font, M. Sakellariadou, and A. Torres-Forné
Physical Review D, 110, 064074 (2024)
I-Love-Q and dM too: The role of the mass in universal relations of compact stars
E. Aranguren, J.A. Font, N. Sanchis-Gual, and R. Vera
Physical Review D, 110, 084027 (2024)
Optically Targeted Search for Gravitational Waves emitted by Core-Collapse Supernovae during the Third Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
Marek J. Szczepańczyk, Yanyan Zheng, Javier M. Antelis, Michael Benjamin, Marie-Anne Bizouard, Alejandro Casallas-Lagos, Pablo Cerdá-Durán, Derek Davis, Dorota Gondek-Rosińska, Sergey Klimenko, Claudia Moreno, Martin Obergaulinger, Jade Powell, Dymetris Ramirez, Brad Ratto, Colter Richarson, Abhinav Rijal, Amber L. Stuver, Paweł Szewczyk, Gabriele Vedovato, Michele Zanolin, Imre Bartos, Shubhagata Bhaumik, Tomasz Bulik, Marco Drago, José A. Font, Fabio De Colle, Juan García-Bellido, V. Gayathri, Brennan Hughey, Guenakh Mitselmakher, Tanmaya Mishra, Soma Mukherjee, Quynh Lan Nguyen, Man Leong Chan, Irene Di Palma, Brandon J. Piotrzkowski, and Neha Singh
Physical Review D, 110, 042007 (2024)
Deep-Learning classification and parameter inference of rotational core-collapse
S. Nunes, G. Escrig, O.G. Freitas, J.A. Font, T. Fernandes, A. Onofre, and A. Torres-Forné
Physical Review D, 110, 064037 (2024)
Numerical relativity surrogate models for exotic compact objects: the case of head-on mergers of equal-mass Proca stars
R. Luna, M. Llorens-Monteagudo, A. Lorenzo-Medina, J. Calderón Bustillo, N. Sanchis-Gual, A. Torres-Forné, J.A. Font, C.A.R. Herdeiro, and E. Radu
Physical Review D, 110, 024004 (2024)
Magnetised tori with magnetic polarisation around Kerr black holes: variable angular momentum discs
S. Gimeno-Soler, O.M. Pimentel, F.D. Lora-Clavijo, A. Cruz-Osorio, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 110, 023023 (2024)
Quasinormal modes in modified gravity using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
R. Luna, D.D. Doneva, J.A. Font, J.H. Lien, and S. Yazadjiev
Physical Review D, 109, 124064 (2024)
Towards numerical-relativity informed effective-one-body waveforms for dynamical capture black hole binaries
T. Andrade, J. Trenado, S. Albanesi, R. Gamba, S. Bernuzzi, A. Nagar, J. Calderon-Bustillo, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.A. Font, W. Cook, B. Daszuta, F. Zappa, and D. Radice
Physical Review D, 109, 084025 (2024)
Bayesian inference from gravitational waves in fast-rotating, core-collapse supernovae
C. Pastor-Marcos, P. Cerdá-Durán, D. Walker, A. Torres-Forné, E. Abdikamalov, S. Richers, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 109, 063028 (2024)
Numerical evolutions of boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity
A. Massó-Ferrando, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.A. Font, and G.J. Olmo
Physical Review D, 109, 044042 (2024)
Determining the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism with current and future gravitational-wave observatories
J. Powell, A. Iess, M. Llorens-Monteagudo, M. Obergaulinger, B. Mueller, A. Torres-Forné, E. Cuoco, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 109, 063019 (2024)
Gravitational-wave imprints of non-convex dynamics in binary neutron star mergers
G. Rivieccio, D. Guerra, M. Ruiz, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 109, 064032 (2024)
Gradient-Annihilated PINNs for solving Riemann problems: application to relativistic hydrodynamics
A. Ferrer-Sánchez, J.D. Martín-Guerrero, R. Ruíz de Austri, A. Torres-Forné, and J.A. Font
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 424, 116906 (2024)
Comparison of neural network architectures for feature extraction from binary black hole merger waveforms
O. Gramaxo Freitas, J. Calderon Bustillo, J.A. Font, S. Nunes, A. Onofre, and A. Torres-Forné
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5, 015036 (2024)
Assessment of a new sub-grid model for magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence. II. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
M. Miravet-Tenés, P. Cerdá-Durán, M. Obergaulinger, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 1081-1092 (2024)
Machine-Learning Love: classifying the equation of state of neutron stars with Transformers
G. Goncalves, M. Ferreira, J. Aveiro, A. Onofre, F.F. Freitas, C. Providencia, and J.A. Font
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023, 001 (2023)
Gravitational-wave parameter inference with the Newman-Penrose scalar
J. Calderon Bustillo, I.C.F. Wong, N. Sanchis-Gual, S.H.W. Leong, A. Torres-Forné, K. Chandra, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, and T.G.F. Li
Physical Review X, 13, 041048 (2023)
Searching for vector boson-star mergers within LIGO-Virgo intermediate-mass black-hole merger candidates
J. Calderon Bustillo, I.C.F. Wong, N. Sanchis-Gual, S.H.W. Leong, K. Chandra, A. Torres-Forné, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, I.C.F. Wong, and T.G.F. Li
Physical Review D, 108, 123020 (2023)
Revisiting the I-Love-Q relations for superfluid neutron stars
E. Aranguren, J.A. Font, N. Sanchis-Gual, and R. Vera
Physical Review D, 108, 104065 (2023)
Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion onto a rotating black hole with ultralight scalar hair
A. Cruz-Osorio, L. Rezzolla, F.D. Lora-Clavijo, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, and E. Radu
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023, 08, 057 (2023)
Convolutional Neural Networks for the classification of glitches in gravitational-wave data streams
T.S. Fernandes, S.J. Vieira, A. Onofre, J. Calderón Bustillo, A. Torres-Forné, and J.A. Font
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 40, 195018 (2023)
Birth of baby universes from gravitational collapse in a modified-gravity scenario
A. Massó-Ferrando, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.A. Font, and G.J. Olmo
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023, 06, 028 (2023)
Prospects for the inference of inertial modes from hypermassive neutron stars with future gravitational-wave detectors
M. Miravet-Tenés, F. Castillo, R. De Pietri, P. Cerdá-Durán, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 107, 103053 (2023)
Inference of proto-neutron star properties in core-collapse supernovae from a gravitational-wave detector network
T. Bruel, M.-A. Bizouard, M. Obergaulinger, P. Maturana-Russel, A. Torres-Forné, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Christensen, J.A. Font, and R. Meyer
Physical Review D, 107, 083029 (2023)
Solving the Teukolsky equation with physics-informed neural networks
R. Luna, J. Calderón Bustillo, J.J. Seoane Martínez, A. Torres-Forné, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 107, 064025 (2023)
Dictionary learning: a novel approach to detecting binary black holes in the presence of Galactic noise with LISA
C. Badger, K. Martinovic, A. Torres-Forné, M. Sakellariadou, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 130 091401 (2023)
A revised formalism for slowly-rotating superfluid neutron stars in general relativity
E. Aranguren, J.A. Font, N. Sanchis-Gual, and R. Vera
Physical Review D, 107, 044034 (2023)
Impact of the wave-like nature of Proca stars on their gravitational-wave emission
N. Sanchis-Gual, J. Calderon Bustillo, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, J.A. Font, S.H.W. Leong, and A. Torres-Forné
Physical Review D, 106, 124011 (2022)
Identification of binary neutron star mergers in gravitational-wave data using object-detection machine learning models
J. Aveiro, F.F. Freitas, M. Ferreira, A. Onofre, C. Providencia, G. Goncalves, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 106, 084059 (2022)
Assessment of a new sub-grid model for magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence. I. Magnetorotational instability
M. Miravet-Tenés, P. Cerdá-Durán, M. Obergaulinger, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517, 3505-3524 (2022)
Impact of ultralight bosonic dark matter on the dynamical bar-mode instability of rotating neutron stars
F. Di Giovanni, N. Sanchis-Gual, D. Guerra, M. Miravet-Tenés, P. Cerdá-Durán, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 106, 044008 (2022)
Implementation of the rROF denoising method in the cWB pipeline for gravitational-wave data analysis
Pablo J. Barneo, A. Torres-Forné, J.A. Font, Marco Drago, Jordi Portell, and A. Marquina
Physical Review D, 106, 022002 (2022)
Classification of the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism with learned dictionaries
A. Saiz-Pérez, A. Torres-Forné, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, 3815-3827 (2022)
Can fermion-boson stars reconcile multi-messenger observations of compact stars?
F. Di Giovanni, N. Sanchis-Gual, P. Cerdá-Durán, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 105, 063005 (2022)
Very-high-frequency oscillations in the main peak of a magnetar giant flare
A. J. Castro-Tirado, N. Ostgaard, E. Gogus, C. Sanchez-Gil, J. Pascual-Granado, V. Reglero, A. Mezentsev,
M. Gabler, M. Marisaldi, T. Neubert, C. Budtz-Jørgensen, A. Lindanger, D. Sarria, I. Kuvvetli, P. Cerda-Duran,
J. Navarro-Gonzalez, J. A. Font, B.-B. Zhang, N. Lund, C. A. Oxborrow, S. Brandt, M. D. Caballero-Garcia,
I. M. Carrasco-Garcia, A. Castellon, M. A. Castro Tirado, F. Christiansen, C. J. Eyles, E. Fernandez-Garcia,
G. Genov, S. Guziy, Y.-D. Hu, A. Nicuesa Guelbenzu, S. B. Pandey, Z.-K. Peng, C. Perez del Pulgar, A. J. Reina Terol,
E. Rodriguez, R. Sanchez-Ramírez, T. Sun, K. Ullaland, and S. Yang
Nature, 600, 621–624 (2021)
Magnetized accretion disks around Kerr black holes with scalar hair - Nonconstant
angular momentum disks
S. Gimeno-Soler, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, and E. Radu
Physical Review D, 104, 103008 (2021)
A stabilization mechanism for excited fermion-boson stars
F. Di Giovanni, S. Fakhry, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, and J.A. Font
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38, 194001 (2021)
Boson stars in Palatini f(R) gravity
A. Masó-Ferrando, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.A. Font, and G.J. Olmo
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38, 194003 (2021)
Estimate of the gravitational-wave background from the observed cosmological distribution of quasars
N. Sanchis-Gual, V. Quilis, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 104, 024027 (2021)
Exploring gravitational-wave detection and parameter inference using Deep Learning methods
J.D. Alvares, J.A. Font, F.F. Freitas, O.G. Freitas, A.P. Morais, S. Nunes, A. Onofre, and A. Torres-Forné
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38, 155010 (2021)
Multi-field, multi-frequency bosonic stars and a stabilization mechanism
N. Sanchis-Gual, F. Di Giovanni, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 126, 241105 (2021)
Magnetized discs and photon rings around Yukawa-like black holes
A. Cruz-Osorio, S. Gimeno-Soler, J.A. Font, M. De Laurentis, and S. Mendoza
Physical Review D, 103, 124009 (2021)
Confusing head-on collisions with precessing intermediate-mass binary black hole mergers
J. Calderón-Bustillo, N. Sanchis-Gual, A. Torres-Forné, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 126, 201101 (2021)
Inference of proto-neutron star properties from gravitational-wave data in core-collapse supernovae
M.-A. Bizouard, P. Maturana-Russel, A. Torres-Forné, M. Obergaulinger, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Christensen, J.A. Font, and R. Meyer
Physical Review D, 103, 063006 (2021)
GW190521 as a Merger of Proca Stars: A Potential New Vector Boson of 8.7E-13 eV
J. Calderón-Bustillo, N. Sanchis-Gual, A. Torres-Forné, J.A. Font, A. Vajpeyi, R. Smith, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, and S.H.W. Leong
Physical Review Letters, 126, 081101 (2021)
Gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers surrounded by scalar field clouds: Numerical simulations and observational implications
S. Choudhary, N. Sanchis-Gual, A. Gupta, J.C. Degollado, S. Bose, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 103, 044032 (2021)
Stationary models of magnetized viscous tori around a Schwarzschild black hole
S. Lahiri, S. Gimeno-Soler, J.A. Font, and A. Mus Mejías
Physical Review D, 103, 044034 (2021)
Dynamical bar-mode instability in spinning bosonic stars
F. Di Giovanni, N. Sanchis-Gual, P. Cerdá-Durán, M. Zilhão, C. Herdeiro, J. A. Font, and E. Radu
Physical Review D, 102, 124009 (2020)
Synchronised gravitational atoms from mergers of bosonic stars
N. Sanchis-Gual, M. Zilhão, C. Herdeiro, F. Di Giovanni, J.A. Font, and E. Radu
Physical Review D, 102, 101504(R) (2020)
Dynamical formation and stability of fermion-boson stars
F. Di Giovanni, S. Fakhry, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 102, 084063 (2020)
Application of dictionary learning to denoise LIGO's blip noise transients
A. Torres-Forné, E. Cuoco, J.A. Font, and A. Marquina
Physical Review D, 102, 023011 (2020)
Spontaneous creation of circularly polarized photons in chiral astrophysical systems
A. del Rio, N. Sanchis-Gual, V. Mewes, I. Agullo, J.A. Font, and J. Navarro-Salas
Physical Review Letters, 124, 211301 (2020)
Non-linear evolutions of magnetised thick discs around black holes: dependence on the initial data
A. Cruz-Osorio, S. Gimeno-Soler, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 5730-5742 (2020)
Numerical-relativity simulations of long-lived remnants of binary neutron star mergers
R. de Pietri, A. Feo, J.A. Font, F. Löffler, F. Maione, M. Pasquali, and N. Stergioulas
Physical Review D, 101, 064052 (2020)
Non-linear dynamics of spinning bosonic stars: formation and stability
N. Sanchis-Gual, F. Di Giovanni, M. Zilhão, C. Herdeiro, P. Cerdá-Durán, J. A. Font, and E. Radu
Physical Review Letters, 123, 221101 (2019)
Universal relations for gravitational-wave asteroseismology of proto-neutron stars
A. Torres-Forné, P. Cerdá-Durán, M. Obergaulinger, B. Müller, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 123, 051102 (2019)
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
L. Barack, et al.
Classical Quantum Gravity, 36, 143001 (2019)
Self-gravitating magnetised tori around black holes in general relativity
P. Mach, S. Gimeno-Soler, J.A. Font, A. Odrzywolek, and M. Pirog
Physical Review D, 99, 104063 (2019)
Classification of gravitational-wave glitches via dictionary learning
M. Llorens-Monteagudo, A. Torres-Forné, J.A. Font, and A. Marquina
Classical Quantum Gravity, 36, 075005 (2019)
Neutron star collapse and gravitational waves with a non-convex equation of state
M.A. Aloy, J.M. Ibánez, N. Sanchis-Gual, M. Obergaulinger, J.A. Font, A. Marquina, and S. Serna
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 4980-5008 (2019)
Magnetized accretion disks around Kerr black holes with scalar hair: Constant
angular momentum disks
S. Gimeno-Soler, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, and E. Radu
Physical Review D, 99, 043002 (2019)
Head-on collisions and orbital mergers of Proca stars
N. Sanchis-Gual, C. Herdeiro, J.A. Font, E. Radu, and F. Di Giovanni
Physical Review D, 99, 024017 (2019)
Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave
observations - II. Inclusion of spacetime perturbations
A. Torres-Forné, P. Cerdá-Durán, A. Passamonti, M. Obergaulinger, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 3967-3988 (2019)
Time-domain effective-one-body gravitational waveforms for coalescing compact binaries with nonprecessing spins, tides
and self-spin effects
A. Nagar, S. Bernuzzi, W. Del Pozzo, G. Riemenschneider, S. Akcay, G. Carullo,
P. Fleig, S. Babak, K. Wa Tsang, M. Colleoni, F. Messina, G. Pratten, D. Radice,
P. Rettegno, M. Agathos, E. Fauchon-Jones, M. Hannam, S. Husa, T. Dietrich, P. Cerdá-Durán,
J.A. Font, F. Pannarale, P. Schmidt, and T. Damour
Physical Review D, 98, 104052 (2018)
Total-variation methods for gravitational-wave denoising: performance tests on Advanced LIGO data
A. Torres-Forné, E. Cuoco, A. Marquina, J.A. Font, and J.M. Ibánez
Physical Review D, 98, 084013 (2018)
Dynamical formation of Proca stars and quasi-stationary solitonic objects
F. Di Giovanni, N. Sanchis-Gual, C. Herdeiro, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 98, 064044 (2018)
Spontaneous scalarisation of charged black holes
C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, N. Sanchis-Gual, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 121, 101102 (2018)
Convective excitation of inertial modes in binary neutron star mergers
R. de Pietri, A. Feo, J.A. Font, F. Löffler, F. Maione, M. Pasquali, and N. Stergioulas
Physical Review Letters, 120, 221101 (2018)
Relativistic low angular momentum accretion: Long time evolution of hydrodynamical inviscid flows
P. Mach, M. Piróg, and J.A. Font
Classical Quantum Gravity, 35, 095005 (2018)
Constraining properties of high-density matter in neutron stars with magneto-elastic oscillations
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476, 4199-4212 (2018)
Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave
observations - I. Cowling approximation
A. Torres-Forné, P. Cerdá-Durán, A. Passamonti, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474, 5272-5286 (2018)
Magneto-elastic oscillations modulating the emission of magnetars
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, A. Mate, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Astronomische Nachrichten, 338, 1105-1108 (2017)
Lensing and dynamics of ultra-compact bosonic stars
Pedro V.P. Cunha, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, N. Sanchis-Gual, and M. Zilhão
Physical Review D, 96, 104040 (2017)
Magnetised Polish doughnuts revisited
S. Gimeno-Soler and J.A. Font
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 607, A68 (2017)
Rotational properties of hypermassive neutron stars from binary mergers
M. Hanauske, K. Takami, L. Bovard, L. Rezzolla, J.A. Font, F. Galeazzi, and H. Stöcker
Physical Review D, 96, 043004 (2017)
Dynamical formation of a hairy black hole in a cavity from the decay of unstable solitons
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, J.A. Font, C. Herdeiro, and E. Radu
Classical Quantum Gravity, 34, 165001 (2017)
Quasistationary solutions of scalar fields around collapsing self-interacting boson stars
A. Escorihuela-Tomàs, N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 96, 024015 (2017)
Completion of the universal I-Love-Q relations in compact stars including the mass
B. Reina, N. Sanchis-Gual, R. Vera, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 470, L54-L58 (2017)
Numerical evolutions of spherical Proca stars
N. Sanchis-Gual, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, J.C. Degollado, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 95, 104028 (2017)
Classification methods for noise transients in advanced gravitational-wave detectors II:
performance tests on Advanced LIGO data
J. Powell, A. Torres-Forné, R. Lynch, D. Trifiro,
E. Cuoco, M. Cavaglia, I.S. Heng, and J.A. Font
Classical Quantum Gravity, 34, 034002 (2017)
Denoising of gravitational wave signals via dictionary learning algorithms
A. Torres-Forné, A. Marquina, J.A. Font, and J.M. Ibánez
Physical Review D, 94, 124040 (2016)
Dynamical formation of a Reissner-Nordström black hole with scalar hair in a cavity
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, C. Herdeiro, J.A. Font, and P.J. Montero
Physical Review D, 94, 044061 (2016)
Quasistationary solutions of scalar fields around accreting black holes
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, P. Izquierdo, J.A. Font, and P.J. Montero
Physical Review D, 94, 043004 (2016)
On the dynamics of tilted black hole-torus systems
V. Mewes, F. Galeazzi, J.A. Font, P.J. Montero, and N. Stergioulas
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 2480-2489 (2016)
Denoising of gravitational-wave signal GW150914 via total-variation methods
A. Torres-Forné, A. Marquina, J.A. Font, and J.M. Ibánez
Physical Review D, submitted (2016)
Coherent magneto-elastic oscillations in superfluid magnetars
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 460, 4242-4257 (2016)
Explosion and final state of an unstable Reissner-Nordström black hole
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, P.J. Montero, J.A. Font, and C. Herdeiro
Physical Review Letters, 116, 141101 (2016)
Are pulsars born with a hidden magnetic field?
A. Torres-Forné, P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Pons, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456, 3813-3826 (2016)
Numerical relativity simulations of thick accretion disks around tilted Kerr black holes
V. Mewes, J.A. Font, F. Galeazzi, P.J. Montero, and N. Stergioulas
Physical Review D, 93, 064055 (2016)
Quasistationary solutions of self-gravitating scalar fields around collapsing stars
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, P.J. Montero, J.A. Font, and V. Mewes
Physical Review D, 92, 083001 (2015)
Gravitational waves with the SKA
J.A. Font, A.M. Sintes, and C.F. Sopuerta
The Spanish Square Kilometre Array White Book (2015)
Measuring the black hole spin direction in 3D Cartesian numerical relativity simulations
V. Mewes, J.A. Font, and P.J. Montero
Physical Review D, 91, 124043 (2015)
Quasistationary solutions of self-gravitating scalar fields around black holes
N. Sanchis-Gual, J.C. Degollado, P.J. Montero, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 91, 043005 (2015)
Total-variation-based methods for gravitational wave denoising
A. Torres, A. Marquina, J.A. Font, and J.M. Ibánez
Physical Review D, 90, 084029 (2014)
Modulating magnetar emission by magneto-elastic oscillations
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Font, N. Stergioulas, and E. Müller
Astronomische Nachrichten, 335, 240-245 (2014)
Modulating the magnetosphere of magnetars by internal magneto-elastic oscillations
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443, 1416-1424 (2014)
Fully covariant and conformal formulation of the Z4 system in a reference-metric approach:
comparison with the BSSN formulation in spherical symmetry
N. Sanchis-Gual, P.J. Montero, J.A. Font, E. Müller and T.W. Baumgarte
Physical Review D, 89, 104033 (2014)
Gravitational wave signatures in black-hole-forming core collapse
P. Cerdá-Durán, N. DeBrye, M.A. Aloy, J.A. Font, and M. Obergaulinger
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 779, L18 (2013)
Imprints of superfluidity on magnetoelastic quasiperiodic oscillations of soft gamma-ray repeaters
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Physical Review Letters, 111, 211102 (2013)
Implementation of a simplified approach to radiative transfer in general relativity
F. Galeazzi, W. Kastaun, L. Rezzolla, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 88, 064009 (2013)
Black hole from merging binary neutron stars: how fast can it spin?
W. Kastaun, F. Galeazzi, D. Alic, L. Rezzolla, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D Rapid Communications, 88, 021501 (2013)
Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars: exploring different magnetic field configurations
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Font, E. Müller, and N. Stergioulas
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, 1811-1831 (2013)
Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars with dipolar magnetic fields
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, J.A. Font, and E. Müller
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 2054-2078 (2012)
Gravitational waves from the Papaloizou-Pringle instability in black hole-torus systems
K. Kiuchi, M. Shibata, P.J. Montero, and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 106, 251102 (2011)
Magneto-elastic oscillations and the damping of crustal shear modes in magnetars
M. Gabler, P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Font, E. Müller, and N. Stergioulas
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410, L37-L41 (2011)
Accurate evolutions of unequal-mass neutron-star binaries: properties of the torus and short GRB engines
L. Rezzolla, L. Baiotti, B. Giacomazzo, D. Link, and J.A. Font
Classical Quantum Gravity, 27, 114105 (2010)
Influence of self-gravity on the runaway instability of black hole-torus systems
P. Montero, J.A. Font, and M. Shibata
Physical Review Letters, 104, 191101 (2010)
Dynamical Bar-Mode Instability in Differentially Rotating Magnetized
Neutron Stars
K. Camarda, P. Anninos, C.P. Fragile, and J.A. Font
Astrophysical Journal, 707, 1610-1622 (2009)
Alfvén QPOs in magnetars in the anelastic approximation
P. Cerdá-Durán, N. Stergioulas, and J.A. Font
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397,
1607-1620 (2009)
Nada: A new code for studying self-gravitating tori around black holes
P. Montero, J.A. Font, and M. Shibata
Physical Review D, 78, 064037 (2008)
A new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for dynamical
P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Font, L. Antón, and E. Müller
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 492, 937-953 (2008)
Numerical hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics in general relativity
J.A. Font
Living Reviews in Relativity, 11, 7 (2008)
General relativistic simulations of magneto-rotational core collapse
with microphysics
P. Cerdá-Durán, J.A. Font, and H. Dimmelmeier
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 474, 169-191 (2007)
Towards relativistic simulations of magneto-rotational core collapse
P. Cerdá-Durán and J.A. Font
Classical Quantum Gravity, 24, S155-S169 (2007)
Dynamics of magnetized relativistic tori oscillating around black holes
P.J. Montero, O. Zanotti, J.A. Font, and L. Rezzolla
MNRAS, 378, 1101-1110 (2007)
Gravitational waves from galaxy encounters
V. Quilis, A.C. González-García, D. Sáez, and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 75, 104008 (2007); Physical Review D,
75, 109901 (2007)
AMR simulations of the low T/|W| bar-mode instability of neutron stars
P. Cerdá-Durán, V.Quilis, and J.A. Font
Computer Physics Communications, 177, 288-297 (2007)
Accretion-induced quasinormal mode excitation of a Schwarzschild black
A. Nagar, O. Zanotti, J.A. Font, and L. Rezzolla
Physical Review D, 75, 044016 (2007)
Non-linear axisymmetric pulsations of rotating relativistic stars in the
flatness approximation
H. Dimmelmeier, N. Stergioulas, and J.A. Font
MNRAS, 368, 1609-1630 (2006)
Numerical 3+1 general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics: a local
characteristic approach
L. Antón, O. Zanotti, J.A. Miralles, J.M. Martí,
J.M. Ibánez, J.A. Font, and J.A. Pons
Astrophysical Journal, 637, 296-312 (2006)
General relativistic hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics and their
J.A. Font
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fussion, 47, B679-B690 (2005)
Robustness of a high-resolution central scheme for hydrodynamics
simulations in
general relativity
M. Shibata and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 72, 047501 (2005)
CFC+: Improved dynamics and gravitational waveforms from relativistic
core collapse
P. Cerdá-Durán, G. Faye, H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font,
J.M. Ibánez, E. Müller, and G. Schaefer
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 439, 1033-1055 (2005)
Gravitational waves from oscillating accretion tori: Comparison between
different approaches
A. Nagar, J.A. Font, O. Zanotti, and R. De Pietri
Physical Review D, 72, 024007 (2005)
Dynamics of oscillating relativistic tori around Kerr black holes
O. Zanotti, J.A. Font, L. Rezzolla, and P.J. Montero
MNRAS, 356, 1371-1382 (2005)
Combining spectral and shock-capturing methods: A new numerical approach
for 3D relativistic core
collapse simulations
H. Dimmelmeier, J. Novak, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez, and E. Müller
Physical Review D, 71, 064023 (2005)
Three-dimensional relativistic simulations of rotating neutron star
to a Kerr black hole
L. Baiotti, I. Hawke, P.J. Montero, F. Loeffler, L. Rezzolla, N.
J.A. Font, and E. Seidel
Physical Review D, 71, 024035 (2005)
Assessment of a high-resolution central scheme for the solution of the
relativistic hydrodynamics equations
A. Lucas-Serrano, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez, and J.M. Martí
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 428, 703-715 (2004)
Accretion-driven gravitational radiation from non-rotating compact objects.
I. Radially infalling quadrupolar shells
A. Nagar, G. Diaz, J.A. Pons and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 69, 124028 (2004)
Nonlinear Pulsations in Differentially Rotating Neutron Stars:
Mass-Shedding-Induced Damping and Splitting of the Fundamental Mode
N. Stergioulas, T.A. Apostolatos and J.A. Font
MNRAS, 352, 1089-1101 (2004)
The runaway instability of thick discs around black holes. II.
Non constant angular momentum discs
F. Daigne and J.A. Font
MNRAS, 349, 841-868 (2004)
Dynamics of thick discs around Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes
L. Rezzolla, O. Zanotti and J.A. Font
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 412, 603-613 (2003)
Numerical hydrodynamics in general relativity
J.A. Font
Living Reviews in Relativity, 6, 4 (2003)
Axisymmetric core collapse simulations using characteristic numerical
F. Siebel, J.A. Font, E. Müller and P. Papadopoulos
Physical Review D, 67, 124018 (2003)
Quasi-periodic accretion and gravitational waves from oscillating
"toroidal neutron stars" around a Schwarzshild black hole
O. Zanotti, L. Rezzolla and J.A. Font
MNRAS, 341, 832-848 (2003)
On the stability of thick accretion disks around black holes
J.A. Font and F. Daigne
ApJL, 581, L23-L26 (2002)
Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse. II. Collapse
dynamics and gravitational radiation
H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font and E. Müller
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 393, 523-542 (2002)
Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse. I. Methods,
initial models and code tests
H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font and E. Müller
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 388, 917-935 (2002)
The runaway instability of thick discs around black holes. I. The
constant angular momentum case
J.A. Font and F. Daigne
MNRAS, 334, 383-400 (2002)
Three-dimensional general relativistic hydrodynamics II: long-term
dynamics of single relativistic stars
J.A. Font, T. Goodale, S. Iyer, M. Miller, L. Rezzolla, E. Seidel,
N. Stergioulas, W-M. Suen and M. Tobias
Physical Review D, 65, 084024 (2002)
Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse in
H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font and E. Müller
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19, 1291-1296 (2002)
Simulating the dynamics of relativistic stars via a light-cone approach
F. Siebel, J.A. Font, E. Müller and P. Papadopoulos
Physical Review D, 65, 064038 (2002)
Scalar field induced oscillations of neutron stars and gravitational
F. Siebel, J.A. Font and P. Papadopoulos
Physical Review D, 65, 024021 (2001)
Spherical collapse of supermassive stars: neutrino emission and
gamma-ray bursts
F. Linke, J.A. Font, H-Th. Janka, E. Müller and P. Papadopoulos
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 376, 568-579 (2001)
Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse
H. Dimmelmeier, J.A. Font and E. Müller
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 560, L163-L166 (2001)
Axisymmetric modes of rotating relativistic stars in the Cowling
J.A. Font, H. Dimmelmeier, A. Gupta and N. Stergioulas
MNRAS, 325, 1463-1470 (2001)
Imprints of accretion on gravitational waves from black holes
P. Papadopoulos and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 63, 044016 (2001)
Nonlinear r-modes in rapidly rotating relativistic stars
N. Stergioulas and J.A. Font
Physical Review Letters, 86, 1148-1151 (2001)
Towards a stable numerical evolution of strongly gravitating
systems in general relativity: The conformal treatments
M. Alcubierre, B. Brügmann, Th. Dramlitsch, J.A. Font,
P. Papadopoulos, E. Seidel, N. Stergioulas and R. Takahashi
Physical Review D, 62, 044034 (2000)
Numerical hydrodynamics in general relativity
J.A. Font
Living Reviews in Relativity, 3, 2 (2000)
Nonlinear hydrodynamical evolution of rotating relativistic stars:
Numerical methods and code tests
J.A. Font, N. Stergioulas and K.D. Kokkotas
MNRAS, 313, 678-688 (2000)
Three Dimensional Numerical General Relativistic Hydrodynamics
I: Formulations, Methods, and Code Tests
J.A. Font, M. Miller, W.-M. Suen and M. Tobias
Physical Review D, 61, 044011 (2000)
Relativistic hydrodynamics on spacelike and null surfaces:
Formalism and computations of spherically symmetric spacetimes
P. Papadopoulos and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 61, 024015 (2000)
Numerical evolution of matter in dynamical axisymmetric black hole
I. Methods and tests
Steve Brandt, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez,
J. Massó and Ed Seidel
Computer Physics Communications, 124, 169-196 (2000)
Non-axisymmetric Relativistic Bondi-Hoyle Accretion onto a Kerr Black
J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez and P. Papadopoulos
MNRAS, 305, 920-936 (1999)
Matter Flows around Black Holes and Gravitational Radiation
Philippos Papadopoulos and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 59, 044014 (1999)
A "horizon adapted" approach to the study of relativistic
accretion flows onto rotating black holes
J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez and P. Papadopoulos
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 507, L67-L70 (1998)
General relativistic hydrodynamics with special relativistic Riemann
J.A. Pons, J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez
J.M. Martí and J.A. Miralles
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 339, 629-637 (1998)
Relativistic Hydrodynamics around Black Holes and Horizon Adapted Coordinate Systems
Philippos Papadopoulos and J.A. Font
Physical Review D, 58, 024005 (1998)
Non-axisymmetric Relativistic Bondi-Hoyle Accretion onto a Schwarzschild
Black Hole
J.A. Font and J.M. Ibánez
MNRAS, 298 835-846 (1998)
A Flux-Split Algorithm applied to Relativistic Flows
R. Donat, J.A. Font J.M. Ibánez and A. Marquina
Journal of Computational Physics, 146 58-81 (1998).
A Numerical Study of Relativistic Bondi-Hoyle Accretion onto a Moving Black Hole: Axisymmetric Computations in a
Schwarzschild Background
J.A. Font and J.M. Ibánez
Astrophysical Journal, 494 297-316 (1998)
Morphology and Dynamics of Relativistic Jets
J.M. Martí, E. Müller, J.A. Font,
A. Marquina and J.M. Ibánez
Astrophysical Journal, 479 151-163 (1997)
Numerical {3+1} General-Relativistic Hydrodynamics:
A Local Characteristic Approach
F. Banyuls, J.A. Font,
J.M. Ibánez, J.M. Martí and J.A. Miralles
Astrophysical Journal, 476 221 (1997)
Morphology and Dynamics of Highly-Supersonic Relativistic Jets
J.M. Martí, E. Müller, J.A. Font and
J.M. Ibánez
Astrophysical Journal, 448 L105-L108 (1995)
Multidimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamics: Characteristic
Fields and Modern High-Resolution Shock-Capturing Schemes
J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez, A. Marquina and
J.M. Martí
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 282 304-314 (1994)
Numerical Simulations of Multidimensional Flows in presence of
either Strong Shocks or Strong Gravitational Fields
J.A. Font, J.M. Ibánez and
J.M. Martí
Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica,
25 3-18 (1993)
Numerical Simulations of 2D Potential Flows in General Relativity
J.A. Font, J.M. Martí, J.M. Ibánez and
J.A. Miralles
Computer Physics Communications, 75 31-46 (1993)