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           Dear Sir/ Madam,

           The plenary speakers for the XIX Conference of the Young Linguists Association are:

     Dr. D. Antonio Briz Gómez (Universidad de Valencia): "El Análisis de la Conversación: órdenes y unidades"

     Dra. Dña. María Teresa Echenique Elizondo (Universidad de Valencia): "La historia de la lengua: disciplina del siglo XXI"

     Dr. D. Günter Haensch (Universidad de Ausburgo): "Luces y sombras de la lexicografía"

     Dr. D. Ángel López García (Universitat de Valencia): "Análisis del Discurso: ¿un empeño posible?"

     Dr. D. Salvador Pons Bordería (Universidad de Valencia): "Inducción y deducción en la investigación lingüística"

     Dr. D. Vicent Salvador Liern (Universidad Jaume I): "La trama lèxica: sobre alguns patrons de construcció discursiva"

           The definitive list of participants will be shown on our web page as soon as the selection process is over. We remind you that your proposal has to be sent before January 15th.

           The Young Linguists Association (AJL) is pleased to invite you to the XIX Conference of the Young Linguists that will be held on the 10th, 11th and 12th March 2004 at the Facultat de Filologia of the University of Valencia, Spain.

           The Young Linguists Association was founded in Barcelona in 1992. Its members are PhD students and researchers, and those working in Faculties of Philology in Spain or abroad, devoted to the study of language and linguistics and related disciplines. According to the standing rules of the AJL, our aims are:

  1. To foster the study and research on linguistics and stimulate communication and cooperation between young scholars in this discipline.
  2. To promote the acknowledgement of linguistics as an autonomous discipline.
  3. To cooperate in publishing current research papers and projects by means of scientific meetings, conferences, publications and other initiatives.
  4. To enhance cultural exchange by encouraging linguistic research in different languages.

           From 1992 onwards, the AJL has gathered yearly in several universities in Spain in order to hold its conferences, in which the members of the Association have delivered short papers about their research findings and results. The conference is formally closed with a general meeting in which several issues regarding the association are discussed, including the site of the following AJL conference.

           The sites of the former 17 conferences were the following: From 1992-1997 the conferences were held each term at a different location: University of Barcelona and Santiago (1992), University of Oviedo and València (1993), University of Murcia and Autónoma de Madrid (1994), Autónoma de Barcelona and Euskal Erriko (1995), University of Coruña and León (1996), Complutense of Madrid and Jaén (1997). From 1998-2001 the conferences were held annually: University of Salamanca (1998), university of Extremadura (1999), University of Sevilla (2000), University of Huelva (2001) and University of Alicante (2002). As in the previous conferences, papers are welcome. Each paper will consist of the presentation of a research field for 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion. If you are interested in delivering a paper, please consider the following indications:

  1. The papers should be as accessible and pedagogic as possible due to the heterogeneous audience expected. Please remember that there will be students that might not be familiar with your theoretical bases.
  2. Speakers are recommended to avoid the overuse of examples as it prevents the general understanding of the exposition.
  3. Literature references should be included not only in the oral exposition but also in the handout given to the audience.
  4. Speakers should not forget that the amount of information given has to be proportional to the time (20 minutes).

           If you are interested in ATTENDING OR PRESENTING A PAPER AT THE XIX CONFERENCE OF THE YOUNG LINGUISTS ASSOCIATION, fill in the registration form and send it to us before the 15th January 2004 by both e-mail and snail mail at any of the adresses below and enclose the bank warrant of a deposit of the fees in the following bank-account of Caja de Ahorros Mediterráneo (CAM): 2090-2821-41-0064002266. Please remember that all registration forms beyond the deadline will not be admitted. Participants will be sent a second call in due time enclosing the provisional schedule, the agenda of the General Meeting of Members. Further useful information regarding transport, accommodation, etc, can be found at the AJL web page.

           The Conference Fees are:

  1. Association Member Speaker: 36€
  2. Non-member speaker: 42€
  3. Non-member and non-speaker attendant: 20 €

           If you are interested in BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR A YEAR, please send an application by e-mail and snail mail before the 15th January 2004 to the Conference Board. In your application please specify that you only want to become a member for a year. This will entitle you to receive the information regarding the current Conference and the first call for the next one. In your application please state your personal data (first name, surnames, address, telephone, e-mail, post and university) and enclose the bank's deposit warrant of €6 (annual fee) in the following bank-account: Caja de Ahorros Mediterráneo (CAM) : 2090-2821-41-0064002266.



Maria José Fernández Colomer
Dpto. de Filología Hispánica.
Tel: 96 398.32.69

Sergio Maruenda Bataller
Dpt. de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
Tel: 96.398.30.33

Elena B. Ruiz
Dpt. de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
Tel: 687975146

Jorge Martí Contreras
Dpto. de Filología Hispánica.
Tel: 656270498

Montserrat Pérez Giménez
Dpto. de Filología Hispánica
Tel: 687472550

Facultad de Filología


Avda. Blasco Ibáñez 32
46010 Valencia