Eighth Meeting of European Network for the Sociological and Demogaphic Studies of Divorce

València 14-16 October 2010

Home Important Dates Organisation Call for Papers Programme Location Accommodation Registration Contact

Thursday 14th  October

- 09:00 to 10:00  Reception and coffee

- 10:00 to 10:45 Welcoming talk: Pedro Carrasco Sorlí (Vice Rector of Research, University of Valencia)

                          Organizational issues

- 10:45 to 13:25 First session: Gender Equality.

Discussant: Martine Corijn martine.corijn@dar.vlaanderen.be

·        Anne Solaz  solaz@ined.fr

“Does the division of labour in couples differ after a marital separation?”

·        Anna Garriga (Anna Garriga & Kathleen Kiernan)   ag691@york.ac.uk

"The effects of cohabitation and attitudes related to marriage and gender roles on partnership relationship quality and breakdown. An analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study”

·        Jean-François Mignot      jeffmignot@yahoo.fr

“Why Is It Women Who File for Divorce? An Explanatory Model and Empirical Test on French Data”

·        Michael Gähler & Livia Sz. Oláh michael.gahler@sofi.su.se

“Parental Divorce and Gender Equality in Sweden”

·        Iñaki Permanyer  (Jordi Gumà, Iñaki Permanyer, Rocío Treviño)         Inaki.Permanyer@uab.cat

"Are step families' couples more egalitarian? Gender gap in labor market participation in Spain”

- 13:25 to 14:30 Lunch

- 14:30 to 16:30 Second Session: Leaving home and Economic Consequences.

Discussant: Michael Wagner  mwagner@wiso.uni-koeln.de


·        Clara Mulder & Gunnar Malmberg      C.H.Mulder@uva.nl

 "Who moves from the marital home after divorce: An analysis of Swedish register data"

 ·        Maike van Damme          m.vandamme@uvt.nl

 “Who gains, who loses? Social class and the economic consequences of separation for British women ”

 ·        Lyngstad, Jan        Jan.Lyngstad@ssb.no

 “Why do non-resident mothers pay child maintenance less often than non-resident fathers?”

 ·        Letizia Mencarini (Letizia Mencarini, Elena Meroni & Chiara Pronzato)         letizia.mencarini@unito.it

 “Leaving Mum Alone? The Effect of Divorce on Leaving Home Decisions”

- 16:30 to 17:00 Coffee

- 17:00 to 19:30 Third Session: Occupation and employment.

Discussant: Carles Simó carles.simo@uv.es


·        Anne Hege Henden Strand        Anne.Strand@sos.uib.no

 “Poverty triggers in Norway and Britain: The gendered effect of family and employment changes”

·        Dimitri Mortelmans (Dimitri Mortelmans, Mart Willekens & Inge Pasteels)      dimitri.mortelmans@ua.ac.be

 “Employment levels and risk of divorce in Flanders”

 ·        Michael Wagner (Bernd Weiß, Ina Berninger & Michael Wagner)         mwagner@wiso.uni-koeln.de

 “On the links between unemployment, partnership quality and the desire to have a first child: The case of Germany”

 ·        Erzsébet Bukodi    E.Bukodi@ioe.ac.uk

 “Is there a spill-over effect? Evidence on the relationship between occupational history and marriage dissolution from a British birth cohort study”


Friday 15th October

- 08:30 to 10:30 Fourth session: Lifestyles and Trajectories.

Discussant: Michael Gähler michael.gahler@sofi.su.se       


·        Martine Corijn (Martine Corijn, Inge Pasteels, Dimitri Mortelmans, Koen Matthijs) martine.corijn@dar.vlaanderen.be

“How binding is parenthood? Impact of parents’ trajectories at first birth on the separation risks in Flanders”

·        Schier Michaela  (Michaela Schier & Anna Porske)  schier@dji.de

“Multilocality: a new perspective on family transitions due to separation and divorce”

·        Oliver Arránz Becker  (Oliver Arránz Becker & Daniel Lois)  Oliver.Arranz-Becker@Soziologie.TU-Chemnitz.de

“Do ‘birds of a feather’ stay together? Intracouple similarity of lifestyles and marital stability”

·        Wilma Bakker (Wilma Bakker and Lia Karsten) W.Bakker@uva.nl

"Post divorce daily life of mothers"

- 10:30 to 10:00 Coffee

- 11:00 to 13:25 Fifth session: Regional and Historical Differences.

Discussant: Dimitri Mortelmans dimitri.mortelmans@ua.ac.be

·        Kadri Rootalu        kadri.rootalu@ut.ee

“Attitudes towards Divorce in Three Generations in Estonia”

·        Maaike Jappens (Maaike Jappens & Jan Van Bavel)         mjappens@vub.ac.be

“Divorce, regional family cultures, and childcare by grandparents in Europe”

·        Juho Härkönen (Juho_Härkönen & Jaap Dronkers) juho.harkonen@sociology.su.se

“Parental divorce and family formation: a comparison of 18 countries”

·        Jeroen Spijker  (Jeroen Spijker, Carles Simó & Montse Solsona) Jspijker@ced.uab.cat

“Cross-national repartnering and parenthood patterns after first-union breakup in Europe”

- 13:25 to 14:30 Lunch

- 14:30 to 17:00 Sixth sessionHealth, Feelings and Wellbeing.


Discussant: Clara H. Mulder C.H.Mulder@uva.nl

·        Kim Bastaits          (Bastaits Kim , Ponnet Koen & Mortelmans Dimitri) bastaitskim@gmail.com

“Does the non-residential parent matter? On the link between parenting and self-esteem”   

·        Belinda Wijckmans (Belinda Wijckmans & Jan Van Bavel)         Belinda.Wijckmans@vub.ac.be

“Partnership dissolution and feelings of family obligations”   

·        Sara Symoens (Sara Symoens & Piet Bracke)         Sara.Symoens@UGent.be

“Breaking up. How specific characteristics of the divorce process interact with the wellbeing of expartners after divorce.”  

·        Elien Colman (Elien Colman, Sara Symoens & Piet Bracke)       Elien.Colman@UGent.be

“Differences in health care use among the divorced and the married: are they need-based?”   

·        An Katrien Sodermans  (An Katrien Sodermans, Sofie Vanassche & Koen Matthijs) Sofie.Vanassche@soc.kuleuven.be

“Commuting between parental households. The moderating effect of family complexity on the association between custody arrangement and psychological child-well-being”

- 17:00 to 17:30 Coffee


- 17:30 to 19:00  Seventh sessionEducational and Economic Determinants


Discussant: Montse Solsona MSolsona@CED.uab.es


·        Marika Jalovaara   marika.jalovaara@helsinki.fi


“Economic resources and the dissolution of first unions in Finland”


·        Maira Covre Sussai Soares & Koen Matthijs maira.covre@student.kuleuven.be


“Economic and cultural determinants of unmarried cohabitation in Brazil”


·        Pasteels Inge (Pasteels Inge & Mortelmans Dimitri) inge.pasteels@ua.ac.be


“The educational gradient of the relationship between premarital cohabitation and duration of ended marriages for different cohorts”




Saturday 16th October

- 09:00 to 11:00  Eighth sessionDevoted to two topics.      

Discussant: Juho Härkönen juho.harkonen@sociology.su.se


·        An Katrien Sodermans (An Katrien Sodermans & Koen Matthijs)         AnKatrien.Sodermans@soc.kuleuven.be

“Co-parenting over time: the impact of a legislative change on the incidence and characteristics of joint physical custody families”


·        Sofie Vanassche  (Sofie Vanassche & Koen Matthijs ) Sofie.Vanassche@soc.kuleuven.be

“The complexity of measuring post-divorce family situations and trajectories of children: a comparison of different classification strategies”                   

·        Sara Le Roy (Sara Le Roy, Koen Matthijs, Sofie Vanassche and An Katrien Sodermans)         Sara.LeRoy@soc.kuleuven.be

"Divorce and educational outcomes for children"

- 11:00 to 11:30 Coffee

- 11:30 to 12:30  Closing Conference.

·        Anna Cabré i Pla (Director of Demographic Studies Center, Barcelona)