Facultad de Psicología
Curso 2002-2003


Allport, G (1962) La naturaleza del prejuicio Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires. B.A.

Altemeyer, B. (1988) Enemies of freedom; Undederstanding right-wing authoritarian .The Josey- Bass Inc. S. Francisco

Argyle, M. 2000 Psychology and Religion. An introduction. Routledge. London

Batson et al (1997) Toward motivational theories of intrinsic religious commitment en Spilka, Bernard (Ed) (1997) The psychology of religion: Theoretical approaches. (pp. 11-22). Boulder, CO, US: Westview Press; Boulder, CO, Westview Press.

Batson, Schoenrade y Ventis (1993) Religion and the Individual. A Social - Psychology Perspective. Oxford Univeristy Press. Oxford.

Bosh, J. (1998) Para conocer las sectas. Editorial Verbo Divino. Estella.

Domínguez Morano, C.(1990) El psicoanálisis freudiano de la religión Ediciones Paulinas. Madrid

Domínguez Morano, C. (2000) Psicoanálisis y religión: diálogo interminable Trotta. Madrid

Echebarría y otros (1995) Psicología social de prejuicio y el racismo. Centro Estudios R. Areces. Madrid

Festinger, Riecken y Schachter (1956) When prophecy fails Univ. of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis

Fierro, A. (2001) Psicología de la religión En Filosofía de la religión de Freijó M. (ed) Trotta. Madrid

Font, J. (1999) Religión, psicopatología y salud mental. Paidós. Barcelona

Frankl, E.F. (1946/1979) El hombre en busca de sentido. Herder. Barcelona

Freud, S. (1927/1968) El porvenir de una ilusión Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid

Freud, S. (1938/1968) Moisés y el monoteísmo Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid

Freud, S. (1913/1968) Totem y Tabú Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid

Fromm, E. (1970) El dogma de Cristo Paidós. México

Fromm, E. (1976) Psicoanálisis y religión Editorial Psique. Buenos Aires

Fromm. E (1968) El miedo a la libertad Paidós. Buenos Aires

Fuller, A 1(994) Psychology and Religion. Eight Point of View. Rowmans & Littlefield Publisher Lanhan. Maryland

Goffman, E. (1970) Estigma. La identidad deteriorada. Amorrortu Editores. Buenos Aires

Grom, B. (1993) Psicología de la religión Herder. Barcelona

Grönblom, (1984) Dimensions of religiosity. The operationalizations and measurements of religiosity with special regard to the problems of dimensionality. Abo. Finlandia

Hewstonne, M. (1992) La atribución causal. Paidós. Buenos Aires

Hill y Hood, Jr (Eds) (1999) Measures of Religiosity. Religious Education Press. Birmingh

Hood, R. Jr (Ed,) (1995) Handbook of Religious Experience Religious. Education Press. Alabama

Hood, Spilka, Hunsbeger y Gorsuch (1996) The Psychology of Religion. An Empirical Approach The Guilford Press. New York

James, W. (1902/1986) Las variedades de la experiencia religiosa Ediciones Península. Barcelona

Juergensmeyer, M. (2001) Terrorismo religioso. El auge global de violencia religiosa Siglo Veintiuno. Madrid

Jung, C. (1949) Psicología y religión Paidós. México

Jung, C. (1952) Respuesta a Job. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México

Luckmann, T. (1973) La religión invisible Sígueme. Salamanca

Mardoues, J.M. (1998) Las nuevas formas de la religión. Editorial Verbo Divino. Estella

Matín- Baró I. (1998) Psicología de la liberación Trotta. Madrid

Matín-Baró, I. (1997) Acción e ideología. Psicología Social en Centroamérica UCA. El Salvador

Morales y Yubero (1996) Del prejuicio al racismo: perspectivas psicosociales Univ. Castilla la Mancha Cuenca

Moscovici, Mugny y Pérez (1987) La influencia social inconsciente. Estudios Psicología Social Anthropos. Barcelona

Oser y Gmünder (1998) El hombre. Estadios de su desarrollo religioso. Ariel. Barcelona

Otto,R. (1918/1980) Lo santo: Lo racional y lo irracional en la idea de Dios. Alianza Editorial. Madrid

Paloutzian, R (1996) Invitation of Psychology of Religion. Ally & Bacon. Needhan Height

Peiró, Morales y Fernández Dols (eds) (2000) Tratado de psicología social. Vol II Síntesis. Madrid

Pergament, K. (1997) The Psychology of Religion and Coping. Theoretical, Research The Guilford Press. New York

Plaza, S. (1993) El pensamiento religioso de Fromm. Ediciones Paulinas. Madrid

Pratt, J. (1997) El estigma del extraño Ariel. Barcelona

Richard y Bergin (Eds) (2000) Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity APA. Washington, DC

Rodriguez Carballeira, A. (1992) El lavado de cerebro. Psicología de la persuasión coercitiva. Ed. Boixareu Universitaria. Barcelona.

Robinson, Shaver y Wrightsman (1999) Measures of Political Attitudes Academic Press. San Diego

Rodríguez Marín, J. (1995) Psicología social de la salud. Ed. Síntesis. Madrid

Sabucedo, J.M. (1996) Psicologia política. Síntesis. Madrid

Sánchez y Ullán (1995) Procesos psicosociales básicos y grupales. Eudema. Salamanca

Shaver and Wrigtsman (1991) Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes. Academy Press. San Diego

Smart, N. (1996) Dimensions of the Sacred. A Anatomy of the Wold`s Beliefs. University of California Press. Berkeley

Spilka y MaIntocsh (1997) The Psychology of Religion. Theoretical Approaches . Westview Press. Oxford

Spinks, G. E. (1965) Introducción a la psicología de la religión. Paidós. Buenos Aires

Vergote, A, (1969) Psicologia Religiosa Taurus. Madrid

Wulff, D. (1997) Psychology of Religion. Classic and contemporary Jonh Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York



Abelson, R. (1988) Conviction. American Psychologist Vol 43 nş 4 267-275

Allport y Ross (1967) Personal religious orientation and prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol. 5, 432 - 443.

Argyle, M. (2002) Religion. The Psychologist. Vol. 53 nş 1

Batson, C.D. (1979) Experimentation in psychology of religion: Living with or in a dream? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol 18(1): 90-93.

Batson, C.D Naifet, S. and Pate, S.(1978) Social desirability, religious orientation, and racial prejudice. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol 17(1): 31-41.

Batson, C.D. (1981) Religious Orientation and Helping Behavior: Responding to One’s Own or to the Victim’s Needs? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol. 40 nş 3, 511- 520

Batson, C.D. (1983) Sociobiology and the role of religion in promoting prosocial behavior: An alternative view. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Dec; Vol 45(6): 1380-1385.

Batson, C.D. and Raynor-Price, l. (1983) Religious orientation and complexity of thought about existential concerns. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol 22(1): 38-50.

Batson, C.D. (1986) An agenda item for psychology of religion: Getting respect. Journal of Psychology and Chistianity Vol 5(2): 6-11.

Batson. C. D. (1990) Good samaritans--or priests and Levites? Using William James as a guide in the study of religious prosocial motivation Personality and Social Psycholy Billetin. Vol 16(4): 758-768.

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Batson, C. D. and Flory, D. (1990) Goal-relevant cognitions associated with helping by individuals high on intrinsic, and religion. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Vol 29(3): 346-360.

Batson, C. D , Floyd, R.B., Meyer, J.M. and Winner, A. L (1999) "And who is my neighbor?:" Intrinsic religion as a source of universal compassion. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol 38(4): 445-457.

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Cohen, A.B. and Rozin, P. (2001) Religion and the Morality of Mentality. Journal of Personality and Social Personality. Vol. 81 nş 4, 697-710

Darley. J. y Batson, C. D. (1973)"From Jerusalem to Jericho": A study of situational and dispositional variables in helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Personality Vol. 27(1), 100-108.

Dittes, J.E. (1969) Psychology of religion. En Lindzey , G. and Aronson, E. The handbook of Social Psychology Vol. V. Addison – Wesley Publishing Company. Reading (Massachusetts)

Donahue, M.J. (1985) Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiousness: Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Personality Vol. 48 nş 2, 400-419

Durrheim, K. (1998) The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and attitudinal conservatism: a multidimensional analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 28, 731-753.

Eigenberger, M.E. (1998) Fear as Correlate of authoritarianism. Psychological Report. Vol. 83, 1395-1409.

Fierro, A. y Baile, J.A. (1996) Una indagación en contenidos y correlatos de la experiencia religiosa. Estudios de Psicología. Vol. 56, 97-112.

Ganzevoort, R.R. Religious Coping Reconsidered. Journal of Psychology and Theology Vol. 26 nş 3, 260-286.

Garcés, J. (1985) Perspectivas actuales en Psicología de la Religión. Estudios de Psicología. Nş 23-24 187-198.

Garzón A. y Seoane, (1991) J. Estructura del espacio de creencias. Boletín de Psicología nş 32 73-91

Gómez-Berrocal, C. y Navas, M. (2000) Predictores del prejuicio manifiesto y sutil hacia los gitanos. Revista de Psicología Social. Vol. 15 nş 1, 3-30

Gorsuch, R. L. (1988) Psychology of Religion. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 39, 201- 209. (1984) Measurement.

Gorsuch, R. L (1984) The boon and Bane of Investigating Religion. American Psychologist Vol, 3, 228-236.

Haslam, S.A. and Wilson, A. (2000) In what sense are prejudicial beliefs personal? The importance of an in-group´s shared stereotypes. British Journal of Social Psychology Vol. 39, 45-63

Kazdin, A. (Ed) (2000) Religion and Psychology. Encyclopaedia of Psychology Vol. 7. Oxford University Press. Oxford.

Hunsberger, B. (1995) Religion and prejudice. Journal of Social Issue, Vol. 41 Nş 2, 113- 129.

Marichal, F. y Quiles, M.N. (1998) El estudio del estigma desde la atribución causal. Revista de Psicología Social. Vo.13 nş 1, 503-511.

Martín-Baró, I. (1990) Religion as an Instrument of Psychological Warfare. Journal of Social Issue, Vol. 46, nş 3, 93-107.

McHoskey, J. (1996) Authoritarianism and Ethical Ideology. The Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 136, nş 6, 709-717.

McIntosh, D.N., Silver, R, C., and Wortman, C.B. Religion´s Role in Adjustment to Negative Event: Coping with the Loss of a Child. Journal of Personality and Social Personality Vol. 65, nş 4, 812-821.

Ortiz, M. y Abad, M. A. (1985) Escala de valores en los autoritarios. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta. Vol 11 nş 29, 345-365

Pargament, K.I. y Park, C.L. (1995) Merely a Defense? The Variety of Religious Mens and Ends. Journal of Social Issue, Vol. 41 nş 1, 13-32

Ovejero, A. (1992) Sobre la cuestión de autoritarismo de izquierdas. Psicología Política. Nş 5, 53-69

Pelechano, V. (2001) Autoritarismo, dogmatismo y antiautoritarismo: el cuestionario DOGYANT. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta. Vol. 27,nş 114 529-580.

Pettigrew, T.F. and Meertens, E. W. (1995) Subtle and blatant prejudice en western Europe. European Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 25. 57-75

Rubinstein, G. (1996) Two People in one Land. A Validaction in the Study of Altemeyer´s Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale in the Palestinian and Jewish Societies in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psycchology. Vo. 27 216-230

Serrano, G. y Garcés, J. (1983) Una escala de actitudes hacia la religión. Psicológica. Vol. 4 nş 1, 37-47

Ullman, C. (1982) Cognitive and Emotional Antecedents of Religious Conversion. Journal of Personality and Social Personality Vol. 43 nş 1, 183-192

Westman, A, S., Willink, J, and McHoshey, J. W. (2000) On perceived conflicts between religion and science: The role of fundamentalism and right-wing authoritarianism. Psychological Report Vol. 86, 379-385.

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