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9:00 Presentation.

Noa de la Torre. President of the Unió de Periodistes (Journalists Union).


Pedro Morillo Tena. Principal’s delegate for Online Strategy.


Fundamental rights, and regulatory and management challenges for a digital world.

Ricard Martínez

Director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València. 

Cristina Pauner. 
Tenured professor of Constitutional Law of the Universitat Jaume I. Researcher at Project MINECO, 

10:00 Digital transformation in journalism.

Noa de la Torre (President of the Valencian Journalists Union)

Lydia del Canto. Deputy director of Levante EMV

Santiago Botella. Web/Digital responsible and writer at Radio Valencia Cadena SER

Borja Vilallonga. Director of El Temps

Pedro Campos. Chief web editor Las Provincias
11:30 Break
12:00 Digital transformation: a review of technologies. Pedro Morillo Tena, Tenured University Professor, Department of Computer Science of the Universitat de València Principal’s delegate for Online Strategy. 

The new consumer and digital transformation

Carla Ruiz Mafe, Tenured Professor. Department of Marketing and Market Research of the Universitat de València.
13:00 Open discussion.

Note: "The impact of the European regulations for data protection: national and comparative analysis", project MINECO, DER2015-63635-R.