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Registration for Privacy, health and digital transformation of Big Data challenges and research


This session is opened to all publics but it is particularly interesting for:

  • Researchers.
  • University students.
  • Companies.
  • Public and private managers.





Data Protection

Your personal data will be incorporated to the information systems of the Universitat de València with the aim of processing your registration in the activity and your attendance to it. Also, your data will be used to send information related to events and activities organised by the Privacy and Digital Transformation Chair Microsoft-UV, provided you have authorised their reception by marking the box available on this form.
You can exercise your access, rectification, cancellation or opposition rights regarding the treatment by presenting an identification document attached to a written statement. 

To do so, please refer to:
Data protection Computer Service 
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 13 46010, Valencia.
(We recommend you to specify ‘Privacy Chair’ in your request)

In any case, you can check the general privacy policies of the Universitat de València which are available at the institutional website.