Serious (violent and chronic) juvenile offenders: A Systematic Review of treatment effectiveness in secure corrections

Vicente Garrido Genovés - Luz Anyela Morales  

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Introduction                                              Why serious juvenile offenders?          

What is a Systematic Review?            Types of studies we are looking for   

History of Systematic Reviews           References  


We are doing a research about the effectiveness of the correctional intervention apply to institucionalised or incarcerated serious juveniles offenders (violent or chronic). 

This research is a topic into the Campbell Crime and Justice Group (, which is an international network of individuals who prepare, update, and rapidly disseminate systematic reviews of high quality research, conducted world-wide on effective methods to reduce crime and delinquency and improve justice. The protocol of this research was approved by the Campbell Group in September of 2003 and it will be electronically published  in the Campbell Collaboration database of Reviews of Intervention and Policy Effects (C2-RIPE).

The objective of this review is to assess and to compile, in a systematic way, the outcomes of empirical research about the effectiveness of treatment programs implemented in secure corrections in order to decrease the reoffence rate and quality (i.e., type of offence) of serious (chronic and violent)  delinquents. We will classify the outcomes and characteristics of the identified correctional programs in the following categories: what works, what does not work, what is promising and what is unknown, in accordance with the scale proposes for Sherman et al. (1997) and to discuss the outcomes of the different correctional intervention programs oriented to institutionalised serious delinquents and to propose, with the support of available scientific evidence, correctional policy recommendations to reduce the reoffence  (in rate and quality) in this subgroup of offenders.

We had looked for studies about assessment of correctional intervention applied to serious offenders in different international databases as PsychoInfo, Criminal Justice Periodical Index, Dissertation Abstract, National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), Psique (data base of spanish publications), Sociological Abstracts and Social Planning And Development Abstracts. We had founded some works useful for our proposes. However, the information of these databases corresponds – in general- with English speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia, and with published works.  This situation can bias the results due to sources of studies, the country of origin,  language and the selection process for publication.

Unfortunately, it is possible that some studies are not registered in the databases. We recognize that it is necessary to do everything possible in order to identify empirical published and unpublished studies from different countries and languages. Therefore, we have designed this web site in order to inform about our research as well as to require for  some information about people, institutions and documents related to this topic.

We hope that the results of this review will be useful for the political and professional practice in the crime and justice area, specially regarding to the treatment of serious young offenders. When we finished the Systematic Review according to the policies of the Campbell Group, we will disseminate the results.


Introduction                                              Why serious juvenile offenders?          

What is a Systematic Review?            Types of studies we are looking for   

History of Systematic Reviews           References  

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