Serious (violent and chronic) juvenile offenders: A Systematic Review of treatment effectiveness in secure corrections

Vicente Garrido Genovés - Luz Anyela Morales

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Vicente Garrido Genovés


Psychologist and criminologist. Professor Valencia University (Spain). 

He has written several books on criminology including: 


Advances in Psychology and Law

Principios de Criminología 

El psicópata: un camaleón en la sociedad actual. 

Amores que matan: acoso y violencia contra las mujeres. 

Contra la violencia: Semillas del bien y del mal. 


He is author of articles about meta-analysis on the effectiveness in the European correctional intervention, too.

Postal address: 

Universidad de Valencia (Spain) 

Faculty of Philosophy and Education 

Avda. Blasco Ibañez 30, 46010

Valencia C.P. 46010 Valencia

Luz Anyela Morales Q.


Psychologist Teacher Universidad Católica de Colombia 

PhD Student Social Psychology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) 

Scholarship holder from the Spanish International Agency for International Co-operation.


E-mail address:


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