About the Conference

The main objective of the conference is to foster discussion about the work in Artificial Intelligence developed within the Catalan speaking research community as well as to bring together the members of this community.

Extended versions of the best papers will be invited to be published in special issues of Pattern Recognition Letters and the Journal of Applied Logic. These papers will follow a second review process.

Areas of Interest

We invite you to submit contributions related to:

- Agents and multi-agent systems
- Artificial vision
- Machine learning
- Artificial neural networks
- Evolutionary systems
- Cognitive modeling
- Fuzzy logic and reasoning
- Natural language
- Data mining
- Robotics
- Planning and satisfiability
- Constraint programming
- AI applications


To contact the organizing committee, please write to the following email:


If you need to contact the scientific committee, use this address:



Collaborating organizations:

The organizing committee of the 18th Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence wishes to thank the selfless support of the following collaborating organizations.


Generalitat Valenciana

The Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana supports the organization of this international conference.


Servei de Política Lingüística

The Language Policy Service works to achieve a standardized use of language and to increase the multilingualism at the University.


Càtedra Divulgació Ciència

The Càtedra de Divulgació de la Ciència de la Universitat de València aims to make people value science and to participate in scientific thinking.


Institut d'Estudis Catalans

The Catalan Academy of Sciences and Humanities has much social influence and hosts a part of the scientific elite in the Catalan linguistic field.


Master ISAW

The Master's Degree in Services and Web Applications Engineering forms ICT specialists in the development of enterprise web applications and projects.


Caixa Popular

Caixa Popular is a Valentian cooperative company that deals with financial services. It has a long social vocation, with cultural roots and localism.



The Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence promotes and disseminates research, methods, techniques and applications of AI in Catalan culture.



Located in the Burjassot-Paterna campus, the ETSE-UV organizes the studies and research in the areas of engineering at the University of Valencia.


Octubre CCC

At the heart of the City of Valencia, the Octubre CCC is a firm commitment for the revival of the culture and society in all our country from a national perspective.