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Posted by: Diego Rubiera-Garcia | May 30th, 2018 |

The FUture Gravitational Alternatives (FUGA) meeting will be held in Valencia from 3rd to 4th of October, 2018. This conference is thought as a satellite of the Third CANTATA Meeting, and participants are encouraged to submit an abstract on their current research on modified theories of gravity. Talks will start on Wednesday morning, offering a scientific alternative to the Core Group and MC (administrative) meetings.

There is no registration fee to participate in the FUGA meeting.

The FUGA meeting will consist of contributed talks by the participants and a few invited talks. All participants wishing to give a talk will be able to do it so upon registration by submitting a title and abstract. Should there be excessive demand, preference will be given to younger researchers. All participants to the FUGA meeting are welcome to participate in the Third CANTATA Meeting, which will be held in Valencia from 1st to 3rd of October, 2018. We actually encourage all participants to register to both CANTATA&FUGA meetings.

FUGA will be hosted by the Quantum Black Holes, Supergravity and Cosmology group at the Department of Theoretical Physics & IFIC of the University of Valencia & CSIC, Spain.

For any query directed to the FUGA LOC, please reach us directly at cantatameeting2018[at]gmail.com. We will do our best to reply to your query as fast as possible.

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