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Given that the Master's Degree in Law Practice is offered to cover the training and professional practice requirements established by the Spanish Access Law, the admission requirement is established in article 2.1.a) of the Regulations of Law 34/2006, of 30 October, on access to legal professions, approved by Royal Decree 64/2023, of 8 February:

According to Article 3 of the Regulations of Law 34/2006, of 30 October, on access to legal professions, approved by Royal Decree 64/2023, of 8 February, the official university degrees in Law referred to in Article 2.1.a) must recognise the acquisition of the following legal competencies:

a) Knowing and understanding the elements, structure, resources, interpretation and application of the legal system and interpreting the sources and fundamental legal concepts of each of the different legal systems.

b) Knowing and understanding the mechanisms and procedures for resolving legal disputes, as well as the legal position of individuals in their relations with the Administration and in general with public authorities.
c) Understanding and knowing how to apply the precedence criteria of sources to determine the applicable rules in each case, and especially that of conformity with constitutional rules, principles and values.
d) Interpreting legal texts from an interdisciplinary perspective using legal principles and social, ethical and deontological values and principles as analysis tools.
e) Delivering a convincing legal argument on a theoretical question related to the various legal subjects.
f) Solving practical cases in accordance with current positive law, which implies the prior preparation of material, the identification of problematic issues, the selection and interpretation of the applicable positive law data and the argued exposition of the subsumption.
g) Handling with dexterity and precision the legal language and terminology of the different branches of law: To draft legal documents in an orderly and comprehensible manner. To communicate orally and in writing legal ideas, arguments and reasoning using the appropriate register in each context.
h) Using information and communication technologies to search for and obtain legal information (databases of legislation, jurisprudence, bibliography, etc.), as well as work and communication tools.


Holding an official university degree in Law is a prerequisite to access the specialised training course, without prejudice to the possibility set out in article 18.4 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September.

In the case of foreign students, the Academic Coordinating Committee may require a proof of sufficient Spanish proficiency (level B2), with a specific level test if necessary.

In the event that the number of applications exceeds or may exceed the number of places offered, they will be sorted out for admission purposes according to the average grade of the academic record of the degree in Law. The average grade will be increased by one point for students with double degrees, provided that these are in Legal Sciences complemented by Social Sciences disciplines.

In addition, the Master's Coordinating Committee will give priority to applicants who need to take the Master's Degree over those who are or may be members of a bar association without the need to obtain the professional degree of lawyer in accordance with the Spanish Access Law. Priority is established as follows: applicants who need to take the Master's Degree in order to obtain the professional degree of lawyer will have their grade point average multiplied by two; and applicants who do not need to take the Master's Degree in order to obtain the professional degree of lawyer will have their grade point average multiplied by one.

For the purposes of the assessment of the student's academic record, the grades and the average mark must be calculated out of 10. In those instances where this is not the case, the student must request from ANECA the equivalence of average grades. For more information about how to apply for such equivalence at ANECA, please check the following link:


The Master's Coordinating Committee may include a personal interview among the admission criteria. The personal interview will assess the student’s legal and educational skills, the suitability of their profile to the characteristics of the Master's Degree in Law Practice and their motivation. The personal interview will be conducted if it is considered appropriate for the assessment of certain cases and will be carried out by the Director of the Master's Degree or the person delegated by them.