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36 UEG del 15 AL 19 de julio
The rights of the planet

Course encompassed in the 36th Summer University of Gandia


Life and the resources that make it possible should also be considered as universal rights. Recognising and respecting them would allow life to go further than human presence in the planet. The destruction of environments, exploitation and pollution cause the irreversible loss of biodiversity and risk future life, including human life. Philosophy, anthropology, biology, economy and law experts will take part in the conference. They will offer different visions to observe a unique planet. Coordinators: Jaime Güemes, Director of the Botanical Garden, Universitat de València; and Toya Vázquez, Professor of the Department Theory of Education, Universitat de València.


Thursday 18th July


9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

“Human rights, rights of the planet: understanding the ethics of climate change”

Chon Tejedor, professor of the Department of Philosophy, Universitat de València.

10:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

“Earth: from raw materials a shared environment”

José David Sandoval, President of Greenpeace-Spain.

12 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

“The rights of the Anthropocene: a view that recognises the vulnerability of the planet and the human beings”

Yayo Herrero, professor of UNED, member of the board of trustess of the Foundation FUHEM.

1:15 to 2:30 p.m.

“Panel of discussion with the participation of the speakers, moderated by Toya Vásquez”

Friday 19th July


9:30 a.m. TO 10:45 a.m.

“The sense of words is changing: the true danger for the sustainability of the planet”

Francisco Álvarez, Vice-president of the Valencian association for the promotion of Economy for the Common Good.

10:45 a.m. to 12 p.m.

“Climate change: a challenge and an opportunity”

María José Sanz, Scientific director of the Basque Centre for Climate Change-Klima Aldaketa Ikergai.

“Biodiversity in danger: Who has more to lose?”

Jaime Güemes, director of the Botanical Garden, Universitat de València.

1:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

“Panel of discussion with the participation of the speakers, moderated by Jaime Güemes”


ScheduleFrom 18 july 2019 to 19 july 2019. Thursday and friday at 09:30 to 14:30.


Centre de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Centre de Gandia. Universitat de València.



Contact goncisi@fundacions.uv.es

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