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V Summer University of Rincón de Ademuz

Universitat de València will be present in the Valencian territory, also this year, 2021, thanks to the Seasonal Universities programme, which has remained faithful at all times to the Valencian society, bringing the scientific production of our university to a total of 20 venues throughout the province of Valencia. In this programme, encouraged by the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, there have been organised the themes of the conferences taking into account the demands of the different towns and cities. The aim is to make them as attractive and interesting as possible.

On this occasion, we present the 5th edition of the Summer University of the Rincón de Ademuz (UVRA), one of the biggest academic initiatives of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society and the Chair for Citizen Engagement and Valencian Landscapes, the result of close collaboration between the Association of Municipalities of the Rincón de Ademuz, the Provincial Council of Valencia and Caixa Popular.

With this 5th edition, we intend to consolidate this academic proposal that began in 2017, to revitalise and strengthen a rural territory located in the Valencian hinterland, whose potential is blurred by the constant demographic and socio-economic downward trend experienced by the region, and that marks its uncertain future. For this reason, this new edition of the UVRA, entitled Rural landscapes: sustainable tourism products, is the perfect setting to highlight the need to activate the value of the landscape wealth of the Rincón de Ademuz to transform this potential resource into a quality tourism product, capable of generating life experiences for the visitor and development opportunities in the region. To achieve this, it is necessary to design attractive tourist products and proposals, articulated through the participation of the private sector, capable of creating sustainable commercial structures, but with the involvement of the country’s social capital. An example of this is the Tierras del Convento Land Stewardship Project, a proposal for the recovery of the landscape and heritage of the Convent of San Guillermo, promoted by the Chair and local entities in the municipality of Castielfabib.

The exceptional health measures that have been adopted for the realization of this conference make it necessary to enrol in advance (link to the enrolment), which is completely free because of the public nature of the Universitat de València. Once enrolled, it will be possible to attend the conference in person (until the full capacity of the room is reached, limited by COVID regulations); but it will also be possible to follow it online (only in the morning), through this link that will be enabled minutes before the start of the conference (link to the streaming). Moreover, the attendees enrolled for the conference will receive a certificate accrediting their attendance.


Date 21 june 2021 at 09:30 to 17:30. Monday.


IES Ademuz (mañana) - Convento de S. Guillermo, Castielfabib (tarde)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Vicerrectorado de Proyección Territorial y Sociedad

Diputación de Valencia

Caixa Popular

Conselleria de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas y Movilidad, GVA

Cátedra de Participación Ciudadana y Paisajes Valencianos

Mancomunidad de Municipios del Rincón de Ademuz

Ayuntamiento de Ademuz

Ayuntamiento de Castielfabib.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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