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National Research Awards and National Research Awards for Young People 2022

On June the 15th 2022, Order CIN/543/2022 of June the 10th was published in the Official Spanish State Gazette, approving the call for the National Research Awards and the National Research Awards for Young People for the year 2022.

The aim of the National Research Awards is to recognise the achievements of those Spanish researchers who are developing outstanding work in scientific fields of international scope, which contributes significantly to the advancement of scientific knowledge and the progress of Humanity.

In addition, for the first time, with the clear intention of encouraging scientific vocations and recognising the merit of Spanish researchers who have made notorious achievements in the early stages of their careers, the National Research Awards for Young People have been announced. These Awards are aimed at highlighting the outstanding work and scientific contributions of Spanish researchers up to the age of 40.

For each type of Award, 10 modalities are proposed, according to the different areas of knowledge.

The deadline for applications will be open until July the 10th 2022 at 3 p.m.


ScheduleFrom 22 june 2022 to 10 july 2022. Every day at 00:00 to 15:00.



Organized by

Spanish Directorate General for Research Planning.


Contact servei.investigacio@uv.es

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