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Today begins 2nd Summer School on Big Data, AI and communication

  • July 1st, 2019
Last registrations for the 2nd Summer School on Big Data, AI and communication

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the Universitat de València (ETSE-UV) is one of the 4 centres that organise the 2nd Summer School from 1 to 5 July. The other organising centres are the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication. This year the Summer School delves into the link between Big Data, AI and communication. Two weeks away from the starting date, the Universitat de València offers the last available places to the campus.

The Summer School, it is intended for graduates and students who want to delve from a multidisciplinary point of view into the interrelationship between Big Data, AI, communication, smart cities, biostatistics, AI, digital games, data journalism applied to research in cases such as the Panama Papers...

The sessions will be imparted in English by professors of several European universities and heads of leading entities in the implementation of data science. They will have a theoretical and practical nature.

The registration costs for UV students will be €50 and €250 for partner universities of the Utrecht Network. It includes the accommodation in residences affiliated to the UV. More details and registration in the website: http://ir.uv.es/5Qhyeg9

Video to the first edition: http://ir.uv.es/FX1Ckao