Tutorial session
The "tutorial session" at the start of the workshop is intended to benefit both new and experienced practitioners of multi-agent-based simulation. The session will be led by Scott Moss and Robert Axtell who, between them, have some 50 years’ experience of MABS.
The aim of the session will be to conduct a structured discussion of the current state and possible futures for MABS as a tool for (mainly) social analysis. We intend to draw on the views of both newer and younger participants and more experienced participants to identify issues, problems and prospects in operational terms. Some of the issues will be about social analysis and some about software engineering.
Although Scott and Robert will have a set of specific issues to offer up for discussion, we recognise that other participants might well come up with ideas that we would all find more profitable to follow up. If (and we hope when) that happens, questions for discussion will be reformulated accordingly. We expect that everyone will participate in any formulation of arising issues.
The format for the session will be a "snowball discussion" which starts with pairs of participants having independent discussions and then each joining with another pair to combine their ideas and then the groups of four combining into groups of eight and so on until we have one group with contributions coming from the previous rounds. This format is intended both to ensure that participants who are less forward will naturally contribute to the discussions and also to establish a community spirit for the rest of the workshop.
Experience shows that this snowball format is much more fun and more interesting than panel discussions or listening to a series of Powerpoint presentations. We hope you will agree and will join us for an interesting and productive session.
Monday, May 5th
09:00 to 10:30
Tutorial session: The Past, Present and Future of Multi-Agent Based Simulation
- Invited speakers - Scott Moss, Robert Axtell.
10:30 to 11:00 - Coffee break
11:00 to 12:30
Paper Session 1: Simulation methodologies
Chair: Virginia Dignum
- Event-Driven Multi-Agent Simulation.
- Ruth Meyer.
- RatKit: A Repeatable Automated Testing Toolkit for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation.
- Ibrahim Cakirlar, Önder Gürcan, Oguz Dikenelli and Sebnem Bora.
- Man on Earth – the challenge of discovering viable ecological survival strategies.
- Bruce Edmonds.
- Modelling Environments in ABMS: a System Dynamics approach.
- Reza Hesan, Amineh Ghorbani and Virginia Dignum.
12:30 to 14:00 - Lunch break
14:00 to 15:30
Paper Session 2: Simulation of social behaviour
Chair: Mario Paolucci
- Modeling Culturally-Influenced Decisions.
- Loïs Vanhée, Frank Dignum and Jacques Ferber.
- Gender difference: the role of nature, nurture, social identity and self-organization.
- Gert Jan Hofstede, Frank Dignum, Rui Prada, Jillian Student and Loïs Vanhée.
- Partner Selection Delays Extinction in Cooperative and Coordination Dilemmas.
- Pedro Mariano and Luis Correia.
- Group size and gossip strategies: an ABM tool for investigating reputation-based cooperation.
- Francesca Giardini, Diana Adamatti, Mario Paolucci and Rosaria Conte.
15:30 to 16:00 - Coffee break
16:00 to 17:30
Paper Session 3: Data and Multi-Agent-Based Simulation
Chair: Francisco Grimaldo
- Automatic Generation of Agent Behavior Models from Raw Observational Data.
- Bridgette Parsons, Jose Vidal, Nathan Huynh and Rita Snyder.
- Data Analysis of Social Simulations Outputs.
- Christophe Sibertin-Blanc and Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix.
- Distinct Agent Activation Schemes and Their Quantitative Effect on the Distributed Averaging Model.
- Kenneth Comer, Andrew Loerch and Robert Axtell.
- Reproducing and exploring past events using agent-based geo-historical models.
- Nasser Gasmi, Arnaud Grignard, Alexis Drogoul, Benoit Gaudou, Patrick Taillandier, Olivier Tessier and Duc-An Vo.
17:30 - 18:00
Day 1 Round-up and discussion
- Led by - Francisco Grimaldo.
Tuesday, May 6th
09:00 to 10:30
Paper Session 4: Applications
Chair: Bruce Edmonds
- TENDENKO: Agent-Based Evacuation Drill and Emergency Planning System.
- Toshinori Niwa, Masaru Okaya and Tomoichi Takahashi.
- Analysing the Apprenticeship System in the Maghribi Traders Coalition.
- Christopher Frantz, Martin Purvis, Mariusz Nowostawski and Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu.
- Spatial Modeling of Agent-Based Prediction Markets: Role of Individuals.
- Bin-Tzong Chie and Shu-Heng Chen.
- An agent based exploration of urban economic and cultural dynamics under the rent-gap hypotheses.
- Stefano Picascia, Alison Heppenstall and Bruce Edmonds.
10:30 to 11:00 - Coffee break
11:00 to 12:30
Closing session
Chair: Emma Norling
- Emergent collective behaviors in a multi-agent reinforcement learning pedestrian simulation: a case study.
- Francisco Martinez-Gil, Fernando Fernández and Miguel Lozano.
- Cognitive Modeling of Behavioral Experiments in Network Science using ACT-R Architecture.
- Oscar Javier Romero López and Christian Lebiere.
- Round-table discussion.
- Tutorial presenters and workshop participants.
Accepted papers
Christopher Frantz, Martin Purvis, Mariusz Nowostawski and Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu.
Analysing the Apprenticeship System in the Maghribi Traders Coalition.
Bruce Edmonds.
Man on Earth – the challenge of discovering viable ecological survival strategies.
Gert Jan Hofstede, Frank Dignum, Rui Prada, Jillian Student and Loïs Vanhée.
Gender difference: the role of nature, nurture, social identity and self-organization.
Nasser Gasmi, Arnaud Grignard, Alexis Drogoul, Benoit Gaudou, Patrick Taillandier, Olivier Tessier and Duc-An Vo.
Reproducing and exploring past events using agent-based geo-historical models.
Stefano Picascia, Alison Heppenstall and Bruce Edmonds.
An agent based exploration of urban economic and cultural dynamics under the rent-gap hypotheses.
Oscar Javier Romero López and Christian Lebiere.
Cognitive Modeling of Behavioral Experiments in Network Science using ACT-R Architecture.
Bin-Tzong Chie and Shu-Heng Chen.
Spatial Modeling of Agent-Based Prediction Markets: Role of Individuals.
Pedro Mariano and Luis Correia.
Partner Selection Delays Extinction in Cooperative and Coordination Dilemmas.
Loïs Vanhée, Frank Dignum and Jacques Ferber.
Modeling Culturally-Influenced Decisions.
Ibrahim Cakirlar, Önder Gürcan and Sebnem Bora.
RatKit: A Repeatable Automated Testing Toolkit for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation.
Francisco Martinez-Gil, Fernando Fernández and Miguel Lozano.
Emergent collective behaviors in a multi-agent reinforcement learning pedestrian simulation: a case study.
Francesca Giardini, Diana Adamatti, Mario Paolucci and Rosaria Conte.
Group size and gossip strategies: an ABM tool for investigating reputation-based cooperation.
Christophe Sibertin-Blanc and Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix.
Data Analysis of Social Simulations Outputs.
Bridgette Parsons, Jose Vidal, Nathan Huynh and Rita Snyder.
Automatic Generation of Agent Behavior Models from Raw Observational Data.
Kenneth Comer, Andrew Loerch and Robert Axtell.
Distinct Agent Activation Schemes and Their Quantitative Effect on the Distributed Averaging Model.
Toshinori Niwa, Masaru Okaya and Tomoichi Takahashi.
TENDENKO: Agent-Based Evacuation Drill and Emergency Planning System.
Ruth Meyer.
Event-Driven Multi-Agent Simulation.
Reza Hesan, Amineh Ghorbani and Virginia Dignum.
Modelling Environments in ABMS: a System Dynamics approach.