Review process
Submission reviews are based on full papers. All submissions will go through a peer review process, with two or three independent PC members reviewing each submission. Only those deemed to be 1) relevant to the workshop's aims, 2) presenting original work, and 3) of good quality and clarity will be accepted.
Following the workshop, participants will be required to revise their papers, taking into account feedback received at the workshop, and then undergo a second review process before publication in the post-proceedings.
Instructions for authors
To register your paper (deadline January 20, 2014) you need to provide basic information about the submission including its title, abstract, keywords and author(s). You do not need to upload the full PDF for the purpose of paper registration, but the papers full PDF must be uploaded before the paper submission deadline (January 22, 2014).
Eletronic submission will be managed online through the EasyChair system.
All submissions should be no longer than 12 pages, in PDF format. Authors are required to use Springer LNCS format for proceedings.
Papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings. Following the workshop, participants will be required to revise their papers, which will undergo a second review process before publication in the post-proceedings, as part of the Multi-Agent-Based Simulation Series for Springer-Verlag.