
Deadline Submission: 12th January at 23:59h (CET)

Registration and Abstracts Submission

  • Registration for the congress is FREE.
  • The deadline for abstracts submission will be January 12th, 2024.
  • Remember that you must do the abstract submission and the registration to the conference


  • All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the abstract submission platform.
  • Abstracts should be written in English using the template available below. This format will be the only one accepted.
  • A maximum of one abstract per registration (presenting author) will be accepted.
  • Abstracts must be sent with the name SurnameName_Type_J2IFAM2024.docx, where Type must be substituted by “O” for a regular oral communication or “F” for a flash presentation.


  • Download the template and use it as a sample to prepare your abstract.
  • Maximum length of the abstract: 1 DIN A-4 page.
  • Files supported: Word (.docx).

Book of Abstracts

Download your Certificate

Here you can download your corresponding attendance, oral and flash communication certificate.

Young researchers are encouraged to become member of COFIS (Colegio Oficial de Físicos)

Registration COFIS
Young researchers are encouraged to become part of GEFAM (Grupo Especializado de Física Atómica y Molecular – RSEF – RSEQ)

Registration GEFAM