Juli G Pausas: Short Curriculum Vitae

Bioscketch: Juli G. Pausas is a plant ecology scientist at Centro de Investigación sobre Desertificación (CIDE, Valencia, Spain) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). His research focuses on ecology and evolution of mediterranean and fire-prone ecosystems, and specifically on understanding the role of fire in shaping populations, species (i.e., fire traits), communities (i.e., assembly processes), landscapes, and biomes. He has most experience in the Mediterranean Basin, but without forgetting the global perspective. He has participated in several successful international research projects and has experience in both field and modelling studies. He has written more than 200 scientific papers, co-edited an international book on the ecology of Cork oak woodlands (Island Press), co-authored a book on Fire ecology in Mediterranean ecosystems (Cambridge Press), and book in Spanish on fire ecology.

Current category:

Research Professor (Profesor de Investigación) at CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, the Spanish National Research Council)

Contact address:

CIDE-CSIC, IVIA campus, Ctra. Nàquera Km. 4.5, 46113 Montcada, Valencia, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 963 424124, 963 424162; Fax: (+34) 963 424160
Web: www.uv.es/jgpausas

Research identificators

- ResearcherID (Web of Science) = C-5794-2008
- ORCID = 0000-0003-3533-5786
- Google Scholar = 1XCeE1YAAAAJ
- Scopus = 7004227580
- Exaly = 8872472
- Research.com = juli-g-pausas
- Scholia = Q47297788
- SciSpace/typeset = juli-g-pausas-4mff8t00he
- OpenAlex = 3AA5014883785


1988 - Degree in Biological Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
1993 - PhD Degree in Biological Sciences, specialising in Plant Ecology, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Previous research positions:

1989 – 1993: Pre-doctoral research: FPI (Spanish government) fellowship, University of Barcelona, Spain
1994 – 1995: Post-doctoral research (2 years): CSIRO Division of Wildlife & Ecology, Canberra, Australia.
2003 – 2008: Assistant Professor (part time), Department of Ecology, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
1988/89: Assistant Professor (part time), Department of Ecology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
1996 – 6/2008: Senior Researcher, CEAM (Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo), Valencia, Spain

Main research topics:

Plant ecology, fire ecology, regeneration ecology, vegetation dynamics, mediterranean ecosystems, plant traits, plant evolution, vegetation modelling.
UNESCO codes: 2417 13 (plant ecology)

Teaching experience:

1989 – 1993: Botany (lab), University of Barcelona
1993 – Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona
1998 – 1999: Ecology (lab), Autonomous University of Barcelona
2002 – 2008: Environmental Impact, University of Alicante
2005 – 2010: Fire Ecology (post-graduates), University of Alicante / University of Barcelona
2010 – present: Fire Ecology (post-graduate master), Universidad Paulo Olavide (Sevilla)
2013, 2014: Fire Ecology (post-graduate master), Master Fuego

PhD supervised:

  • Pons J. 2009. Cork Oak Regeneration: an approach based on species interactions at landscape scale. PhD Thesis, Universitat d'Alacant, July 2009 (supervisor: JG Pausas).
  • Abdel-Malaak, D. 2009. Fire regimes and post-fire regeneration in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques, PhD Thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, December 2009 (supervisors: JE Pardo, JG Pausas, LA Ruiz). [Details-UPV]
  • Hernández E.I. 2010. Functional traits related to strategies of water use and drought resistance in mediterranean species. PhD Thesis, Universitat d'Alacant, June 2010 (supervisors: A. Vilagrosa, JG Pausas, J Bellot).
  • Moreira B. 2012. Fire persistence mechanisms in Mediterranean plants: ecological and evolutionary consequences. PhD Thesis, Universitat d'Alacant, 19-Dec-2012 (supervisor: JG Pausas).
  • Catry, F. 2013. Fire effects on forest species in mediterranean ecosystems: ecology and management. PhD Thesis, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Portugal. 19-July-2013 (supervisors: F.C. Rego, J.G. Pausas)
  • Dantas, V. 2014. O papel do fogo nas estruturas funcional e filogenética de comunidades vegetais de Cerrado. Universidade Federale Sao Carlos, SP, Brasil. 28-Feb-2014 (supervisors: M. Batalha, JG Pausas)
  • Maia, P. 2014. Postfire vegetation regeneration in Portugal - Implications for management, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 28-Nov-2014 (supervisor: JJ. Keizer, co-supervisor: JG Pausas)
  • García, Y. 2019. Plant-animal interactions in fire-prone ecosystems. University of Valencia (supervisors: JG Pausas, MC Castellanos), 18-Feb-2019.
  • Álvarez, L. 2024. Fire-prone animals: Adaptive responses in lizards. University of Valencia, 7-June-2024.
  • In preparation: C. Guiote, M. Zommer (co-supervised), J. Gegunde (co-supervised), J. Sáiz (co-supervised)
  • Postdocs supervised:

    - S. Paula (2004-2007, 2009-2/2011)
    - J. Torno (2008-2009)
    - G. Alessio (2010-2012)
    - MC. Castellanos (2010-2015, cosupervised)
    - Moreira B. (2017-2024)
    - M. Zabal-Aguirre (2017-2018, 2020)
    - D. Gutierrez-Larruscain (2022-)


    See publications list: [by year | by topic | by journal | books]


    See projects list

    Scientific indicators (4/2023)

    Number of scientific publications: +250
    Number of scientific articles in ISI-SCI journals: +200
    Google scholar metrics:
        Times cited = 37990
        H-index = 90
        Articles with >100 citations = 79
        Articles with >1000 citations = 4
    WebOfScience metrics:
        Times cited = 22100
        H-index = 70
        Awards: Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate) in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
    Research.com metrics:
        Times cited = 36150
        D-index = 86
        Ranking (EcoEvo) = 6 (Spain), 287 (world)
        Awards: Ecology and Evolution Leader in Spain (2022, 2023)
    Spanish indicators (2023):
        Trienios: 6
        Quinquenios: 6
        Sexenios: 5
    Ranking in Spain / Ecology : 3rd (Grupo DIH, 2023), 6th in D-index (2022), 2nd in citations (Research.com)