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  • 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
  • 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • 9761: Students should communicate conclusions and underlying knowledge clearly and unambiguously to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
  • 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.
  • 17960: Ser capaz de realizar trabajos prácticos, adaptados a entornos comunicacionales reales, con especificidad en los campos de la comunicación política y/o de las nuevas especializaciones periodísticas, aplicando los conocimientos, las capacidades y las habilidades adquiridas.
  • 17959: Be able to carry out theoretical work in the specific field of communication and journalism.
  • 17958: Be able to conceptualise and analyse the relationship between social action, social movements and public information.
  • 17957: Be able to differentiate and discuss ways of transmitting all kinds of public policies from the institutions to the citizenry.
  • 18018: Be able to define a transversal and multidisciplinary conceptual framework with the aim of determining the interconnections between society, politics and the media.
  • 17956: Be able to analyse large masses of data, opinion polls and/or measurements of a communicative nature (such as audience) in social, political and cultural processes.
  • 17922: Be able to find, select, manage and synthesise bibliographic, newspaper and web information specialised in the field of social communication processes applied to the fields of sociocultural action and political action, both in its partisan aspect and in that of public policies, and always from the perspective of information and/or communication.
  • 17921: Be able to apply quantitative and qualitative sociocommunicative research methodologies and techniques in the field of new journalism and political communication.
  • 19363: Be able to differentiate and discuss concepts that account for the social, communicative and cultural transformations in advanced societies in recent decades: knowledge society, network society, globalisation, information society, audience democracy, audience fragmentation, cyberpolitics, networked communities and other similar concepts in the field of information and communication.
  • 19362: Ser capaz de vincular las tradiciones informativas y las tradiciones políticas en las democracias contemporáneas, pero también en sistemas políticos de otra naturaleza, para definir los campos de la opinión pública, la acción comunicativa o la acción social.
  • 19361: Be able to establish and delimit the profiles of rigorous and quality journalism in all kinds of fields ? but especially in those emerging from contemporary social reality ? in terms of sources, protocols of formulation, professional ethics and public responsibility.
  • 19360: Know the difference between informational communication and persuasive communication, both within organisations and in the relationship between organisations, society and their political communities.
  • 19232: Be able to locate, produce and manage information sources of all kinds in order to deal with information action on relevant social issues, such as freedom and safety, health, politics, cultural activity, communicative action, etc., by integrating information, communication and organisation technologies into the process.
  • 19231: Know the traditional and current relationship between public opinion and the media, taking into account different social and political contexts, the implementation of the knowledge society and the relevance of ICTs.
  • 18797: Respect and promote the principles of equality between men and women, universal accessibility for people with functional diversity, democratic values, the culture of peace and sustainability.
  • 18748: Respect and promote fundamental rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination on the grounds of economic status, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or beliefs.
  • 18747: Develop the capacity to adapt to possible organisational, time or availability limitations of material and/or personal resources in the field of intergroup and mass communication.
  • 18746: Be able to detect and analyse issues related to communication in the form of information, propaganda, communicative action or publicity, among others.
  • 18745: Recognise and explain the ethical and deontological implications and the social responsibility derived from the research outcomes and their effects on the decision-making of the actors involved.
  • 18619: Be able to construct solid arguments that provide evidence on different communicative realities.