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  Tema Ponentes
9:15 Presentation of the session

Jesús Albert, Principal’s delegate for Academic Management Processes at the Digital University


Normative, organisational, safety challenges for digital transformation of the Valencian public administrations.

Carmen Serrano, Head of the Safety Service (General Direction of Information and Communications Technologies) Finances Department and Economic Model of the Valencian Government.

Fuensanta Domenech, Director of the Computer Service of the Universitat de València.

José Benedito. Head of the Computer Service and Electronic Administration of the Valencian Provincial Council.

Juan M. Signes, Responsible of information safety.   Office of Information Safety of the Department of Healthcare of the Valencian Government.

Vicente Andreu, Technician of Technologic Innovation - Innovation and IT Audit Office Unit (Universitat Jaume I)

José Cuevas Aparici, Ageneral Deputy Director of Production and Consolidation of Corporative ICT of the Valencian Government.

Ricard Martínez, Director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation Microsoft-Universitat de València.

11:00 Break
11:30 Open discussion
13:30 Closing/Preliminary conclusions