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  Tema Ponentes
9:15 Opening of the session. Esteban Morcillo, his Magnificent Excellent Principal of the Universitat de València.
9:30 Presentation of the Session ─ notes for the debate. Bernat Soria, CABIMER Andalusian Centre of Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CABIMER)

Ricard Martínez. Director of the Chair for Privacy and Digital Transformation of the Universitat de València.

10:45 Break
11:15 What do our researchers need?

Emilio Soria, Full university professor of the Universitat de Valencia, 

Director of the Master’s Degree in Data Science

Josep Redón, Full university professor of the Universitat de València, Department of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine and Odontology

12:15 Safety policies: the commitment of researchers and organisers.

Juan Miguel Signes, Information Security Manager - Valencian Department for Health

Salvador Peiró Moreno, Assistant Director-General for Research and Innovation in Health - Valencian Department for Health

Héctor Sánchez Montenegro, National Technology Officer at Microsoft

13:15 Regulatory compliance from design.

Cecilia Álvarez, European Data Protection Officer Lead (Pfizer), President of the Professional Spanish Association of Privacy.

Carmen Casado, Data Protection Compliance Sr. Manager (AMGEN),

 Jordi Saldaña. Data protection officer (Novartis)