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  1. Twist Elasticity Controlled Crystal Emission in Highly Luminescent Polymorphs of Cyano-Substituted Distyrylbenzene (bDCS)
    J. Shi, S.-J. Yoon, L. Viani, S. Y. Park, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, Adv. Opt. Mater. 5 (2017) in print.

  2. Tetra(p-Dodecacarborane-Stilbeno)ethylene - a novel Luminescent Tetraphenylethylene (TPE) Core System
    J. Cabrera-González, S. Bhattacharyya, B. Milián-Medina, F. Teixidor, N. Farfán, R. Arcos-Ramos, V. Vargas-Reyes, J. Gierschner, R. Nuñez, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2017) in print.

  3. Excited State Absorption Spectra of Dissolved and Aggregated Distyrylbenzene - a TD-DFT State and Vibronic Analysis
    E. F. Oliveira, J. Shi, F. C. Lavarda, L. Lüer, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, J. Chem. Phys. 147 (2017) 034903.

  4. 'Though It Be but Little, It is Fierce' - Excited State Engineering of Conjugated Organic Materials by Fluorination
    B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 (2017) 91–101.

  5. Naphthalenediimide Polymers with Finely Tuned in-Chain π-Conjugation. Electronic Structure, Film Microstructure, and Charge Transport Properties
    T. Erdmann, S. Fabiano, B. Milián-Medina, D. Hanifi, Z. Chen, M. Berggren, J. Gierschner, A. Salleo, A. Kiriy, B. Voit, A. Facchetti, Adv. Mater. 28 (2016) 9169–9174.

  6. Regio(ir)regular Naphthalenediimide- and Perylenediimide-Bithiophene Copolymers: How MO Localization Controls the Bandgap
    B. Milián-Medina, M. Wykes, Z. Chen, A. Facchetti, J. Gierschner, J. Mater. Chem. C 4 (2016) 9405-9410.

  7. ¿Conjugated? Copolymers from a Pechmann Dye Derivative
    A. D. Thilanga Liyanage, B. Milián-Medina, B. Zhang, J. Gierschner, M. D. Watson, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 217 (2016) 2068-2073.

  8. Effective Conjugation in Conjugated Polymers with Strongly Twisted Backbones: a Case Study on Fluorinated MEHPPV
    R. Milad, J. Shi, A. Aguirre, A. Cardone, B. Milián-Medina, G. M. Farinola, M. Abderrabba, J. Gierschner, J. Mater. Chem. C 4 (2016) 6900-6906.

  9. Tuning of the Electronic and Photophysical Properties of Ladder-Type Quaterphenyl by Selective Methylene-Bridge Fluorination
    B. Dänekamp, B. Kobin, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Hecht, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 16501-16508.

  10. Calculation of Low Bandgap Homopolymers: Comparison of TD-DFT Methods with Experimental Oligomer Series
    E. F. Oliveira, J. C. Roldao, B. Milián-Medina, F. C. Lavarda, J. Gierschner, Chem. Phys. Lett. 645 (2016) 169-173.

  11. Bent-Core Liquid Crystalline Cyanostilbenes: Fluorescence Switching and Thermochromism
    M. Martínez Abadía, S. Varghese, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, R. Giménez, M. B. Ros, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 11715-11724.

  12. Design Principles of Chemiluminescence (CL) Chemodosimeter for Highly Sensitive, Selective, and Self-Signaling Detection of Fluoride Anion: Luminol Protective Approach
    M. S. Kwon, G. Jang, D. Bilby, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, T. S. Lee, J. Kim, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 46488-46493.

  13. Molecular Resolution Friction Microscopy of Cu Phthalocyanine Thin Films on Dolomite (104) in Water
    P. Nita, C. Pimentel, F. Luo, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, C. M. Pina, E. Gnecco, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 8334-8339.

  14. Energy Transfer at the Zeolite L Boundaries: Towards Photo- and Electro-Responsive Materials
    F. Cucinotta, A. Guenet, C. Bizzarri, W. Mroz, C. Botta, B. Milián Medina, J. Gierschner, L. De Cola, ChemPlusChem 79 (2014) 45-57.

  15. Computational Engineering of Low Bandgap Copolymers
    M. Wykes, B. Milián Medina, J. Gierschner, Front. Chem. 1 (2013) 35.

  16. Highly Emissive H-Aggregates or Aggregation-Induced Emission Quenching? The Photophysics of All-Trans Para-Distyrylbenzene
    J. Gierschner, L. Lüer, B. Milián-Medina, D. Oelkrug, H.-J. Egelhaaf, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 2686-2697.

  17. Stimulated Emission Properties of Sterically Modified Distyrylbenzene-Based H-Aggregate Single Crystals
    S. Varghese, S. K. Park, S. Casado, R. Fischer, R. Resel, B. Milián-Medina, R. Wannemacher, S. Y. Park, J. Gierschner, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 (2013) 1597–1602.

  18. Fluoro-Functionalization of Vinylene Units in a Polyarylenevinylene for Polymer Solar Cells: Impact of Fluorination on Morphological and Optical Properties and on Photovoltaic Performances
    A. Cardone, C. Martinelli, M. Losurdo, E. Dilonardo, G. Bruno, G. Scavia, S. Destri, P. Cosma, L. Salamandra, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, A. Aguirre, B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, G. M. Farinola, J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 715-727.

  19. Stimulated Resonance Raman Scattering and Lasing Oscillation in Highly Emissive Distyrylbenzene Based Molecular Crystals
    S. Varghese, S.-J. Yoon, E. M. Calzado, S. Casado, P. G. Boj, M. A. Díaz-García, R. Resel, R. Fischer, B. Milián-Medina, R. Wannemacher, S. Y. Park, J. Gierschner, Adv. Mater. 24 (2012) 6473-6478.

  20. pi-Conjugation
    B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2 (2012) 513-524.

  21. Computational Design of Low Singlet-Triplet Gap All-Organic Molecules for OLED application
    B. Milián-Medina, J. Gierschner, Org. El. 13 (2012) 895-911.

  22. Excited State Switching by Per-Fluorination of para-Oligophenylenes
    B. Milián-Medina, S. Varghese, R. Ragni, H. Boerner, E. Ortí, G. M. Farinola, J. Gierschner, J. Chem. Phys. 135 (2011) 124509.

  23. Oligothienoacenes versus oligothiophenes: Impact of ring fusion on the optical properties
    J. Aragó, P. M. Viruela, J. Gierschner, E. Ortí, B. Milián Medina, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 1457-1465.

  24. A White-Light-Emitting Molecule: Frustrated Energy Transfer between Constituent Emitting Centers
    S. Park, J. E. Kwon, S. H. Kim, J. Seo, K. W. Chung, S.-Y. Park, D.-J. Jang, B. Milián Medina, J. Gierschner, S. Y. Park, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 14043–14049.
    ACS Press Pac: 'New approach in the quest for a lighting’s Holy Grail' - Cover Art

  25. Dynamics of Guest Molecules in PHTP Inclusion Compounds as Probed by Solid-State NMR and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
    G. Srinivasan, J. A. Villanueva-Garibay, K. Müller, D. Oelkrug, B. Milián Medina, D. Beljonne, J. Cornil, M. Wykes, L. Viani, J. Gierschner, R. Martinez Alvarez, M. Jazdzyk, M. Hanack, H.-J. Egelhaaf, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 11 (2009) 4996-5009.

  26. Spectroscopic Signatures for Planar Equilibrium Geometries in Methyl-Substituted Oligothiophenes
    G. Macchi, B. Milián Medina, M. Zambianchi, R. Tubino, J. Cornil, G. Barbarella, J. Gierschner, F. Meinardi, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 11 (2009) 984-990.

  27. EDOT-type Materials: Planar but not Rigid
    B. Milián Medina, D. Wasserberg, S. C. J. Meskers, E. Mena-Osteritz, P. Bäuerle, J. Gierschner, J. Phys. Chem. A 112 (2008) 13282–13286.

  28. Independent Tuning of Electronic Levels in Pentacene by Site-Specific Substitution
    B. Milián Medina, J. E. Anthony, J. Gierschner ChemPhysChem. 9 (2008) 1519-1523.

  29. Oligophenylenevinylenes in Spatially Confined Nanochannels: Monitoring Intermolecular Interactions by UV/Vis and Raman Spectroscopy
    M. Aloshyna, B. Milián Medina, L. Poulsen, J. Moreau, D. Beljonne, J. Cornil, G. Di Silvestro, M. Cerminara, F. Meinardi, R. Tubino, H. Detert, S. Schrader, H.-J. Egelhaaf, C. Botta, J. Gierschner, Adv. Funct. Mater. 18 (2008) 915-921.

  30. Electronic Structure and Charge Transport Properties of Polythiophene Chains Containing Thienothiophene Units: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study
    B. Milián Medina, A. Van Vooren, Patrick Brocorens, J. Gierschner, M. Shkunov, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, R. Lazzaroni, J. Cornil, Chem. Mater. 19 (2007) 4949-4956.

  31. Effect of Fluorination on the Electronic Levels and Optical Excitations of p-Conjugated Oligomers
    B. Milián Medina, D. Beljonne, H.-J. Egelhaaf, J. Gierschner, J. Chem. Phys. 126 (2007) 111101.

  32. Tuning of Molecular and Solid State Properties by Fluorination: A Theoretical Study
    J. Gierschner, B. Milián Medina, H.-J. Egelhaaf, D. Beljonne, J.-L. Brédas, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 96 (2007) 753-754.

  33. S Magnetic and Conductive Properties of Quinoidal Oligothiophenes
    G. Zotti, S. Zecchin, B. Vercelli, A. Berlin, J. Casado, V. Hernandez, R. P. Ortiz, J. T. Lopez Navarrete, E. Orti, P. M. Viruela, B. Milian, Chem. Mater 18 (2006) 1539 -1545.

  34. Unexpected Magnetic Properties of Quinoidal Oligothiophenes. More than Good Candidates for Ambipolar Organic Semiconductors?
    R. P. Ortiz, J. Casado, V. Hernández, J. T. López Navarrete, E. Ortí, P.M. Viruela, B. Milián, S. Hotta, G. Zotti, S. Zecchin, and B. VercellI, Adv. Funct. Mater. 16 (2006) 531-536.

  35. Solid State Optical Properties of Linear Polyconjugated Molecules: p-Stack contra Herringbone
    J. Gierschner, M. Ehni, H.-J. Egelhaaf, B. Milián Medina, D. Beljonne, H. Benmansour, and G. C. Bazan, J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 144914.

  36. Theoretical Study of the Electronic Excited States of Neutral and Reduced Tetracyanoethylene
    B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, M. Merchán, and E. Ortí, ChemPhysChem 6 (2005) 503-510.

  37. On the Electron Affinity of TCNQ
    B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, R. Viruela, and E. Ortí, Chem. Phys. Lett. 391 (2004) 148-151.

  38. A Theoretical Study of Neutral and Reduced Tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ)
    B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, R. Viruela, and E. Ortí, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 709 (2004) 97-102.

  39. Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of the Molecular and Electronic Structures of a Terthiophene-Based Quinodimethane
    J. Casado, T.M. Pappenfus, K.R. Mann, E. Ortí, P.M. Viruela, B. Milián, V. Hernández, and J.T. López Navarrete, ChemPhysChem 5 (2004) 529-539.

  40. Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Push-Pull Cromophores Containing Thiophene-Based Quinonoid Structures as Electron Spacers
    B. Milián, E. Ortí, V. Hernández, J.T. López-Navarrete and T. Otsubo, J. Phys. Chem. B 107 (2003) 12175-12183.

  41. Theoretical Study of the Molecular Structure and the Stability of Neutral and Reduced Tetracyanoethylene
    B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, R. Viruela and E. Ortí, Chem. Phys. Lett. 375 (2003) 376-382.

  42. UV-Vis, IR, Raman and Theoretical Characterization of a Novel Quinonoid Oligothiophene Molecular Material
    J. Casado, T.M. Pappenfus, K.R. Mann, B. Milián, E. Ortí, P.M. Viruela, M.C. Ruiz Delgado, V. Hernández, and J.T. López Navarrete, J. Mol. Struct. 651-653 (2003) 665-673.

  43. Quinonoid Oligothiophenes as Electron-Donor and Electron-Acceptor Materials. A Spectroelectrochemical and Theoretical Study
    J. Casado, L.L. Miller, K.R. Mann, T.M. Pappenfus, H. Higuchi, E. Ortí, B. Milián, R. Pou-Amérigo, V. Hernández and J.T. López-Navarrete, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124 (2002) 12380-12388.

