Navarro-Sanfeliz, G.; Puig, F.
Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Business Models: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Small Private Healthcare Providers. Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods, 20(3), pp. 153 - 166
. ISSN: 1477-7029
Cordeiro, M.; Puig, F.; Ruiz-Fernández, L.
Realizing dynamic capabilities and organizational knowledge in effective innovations: the capabilities typological map. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 27(10), pp. 2581 - 2603
. ISSN: 1367-3270
Puig, F.
The dark side of industrial clusters: human resources. Competitiveness Review, 32(1), pp. 1 - 7
. ISSN: 1059-5422
Rico M.; Puig, F.
Reflotando empresas en un escenario de insolvencia generalizada. Revista de Contabilidad y Tributación. Estudios Financieros. Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social: Comentarios, Casos Prácticos: Recursos Humanos, 472(octubre), pp. 229 - 250
. ISSN: 1138-9532
Rico, S.; Cantarero, S.; Puig, F.
Regional disparities and spatial dependence of bankruptcy in Spain. Mathematics, 9(60), pp. 1 - 20
. ISSN: 2227-7390
Puig, F
New insights regarding clusters and industrial districts. Competitiveness Review, 29(3), pp. 3 - 9
. ISSN: 1059-5422
Cantarero, S.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M..; Puig, F
Efectos de la crisis económica sobre el emprendimiento en empresas de Economía Social. Un análisis espacial. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos (revesco)(125), pp. 1 - 26
. ISSN: 1135-6618
Rodriguez-Victoria, O.; Puig, F.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M..;
Clustering, Innovation and Hotel Competitiveness: Evidence from the Colombia Destination. International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(11), pp. 2785 - 2806
. ISSN: 0959-6119
Shen, F.; Puig, F.; Paul, J.
Foreign Market Entry Mode Research: A Review and Research Agenda. International Trade Journal, 31(5), pp. 429 - 456
. ISSN: 0885-3908
Rodriguez-Victoria, O.; Puig, F.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M..;
Economic Competitiveness: Effects of Clustering, Innovation Strategy and the moderating Role of Location in the Colombian Hotel Industry. Investigaciones Regionales(39), pp. 81 - 98
. ISSN: 1695-7253
Puig, F.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M..;
Clusters, Industrial Districts and Strategy. Investigaciones Regionales(39), pp. 5 - 16
. ISSN: 1695-7253
Portero, B.; Puig, F
Do Public Support Services Matter in the Multilocation Process in China?. International Journal Of Emerging Markets, 11(3), pp. 357 - 373
. ISSN: 1746-8809
Gonzalez-Loureiro, M., Davic, M.; Puig, F.
Global Organizations and Supply Chain: New Research Avenues from IHRM. International Journal Of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 44(7)
. ISSN: 0960-0035
Puig, F.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M., Ghauri, P. N.
Internationalisation for survival: the case of new ventures. Management International Review, 54, pp. 653 - 673
. ISSN: 0938-8249
Puig, F.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M., Marques, H.
Supervivencia, crecimiento e internacionalización en Clusters Industriales. Economía Industrial(391), pp. 133 - 140
. ISSN: 0422-2784
Puig, F.
The dark side of industrial clusters: human resources. Competitiveness Review, 32(1), pp. 1 - 7
. ISSN: 1059-5422