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Alfredo Rosado

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Present Position:

  • Full Professor at the University of Valencia.
    Associate Professor at the Dpt. Electronic Engineering (School of Engineering) since September 2002, promoted to Full Professor in 2020.

Highest University degree:
  • PhD in Physics: "Development of new techniques for Ventricular Fibrillation detection based on time-frequency algorithms". University of Valencia. Spain. 13th July 2000. Download pdf here

Diploma Thesis:
  • "Comparative Study of Application Specific Integrated Circuits. Development of applications". September 1994.

Previous working positions:
  • Assistant Professor at the Dpt. Electronic Engineering. University of Valencia, from 13th October 1998 to 2nd September 2002.

  • Assistant Professor at the Dpt. Electronics and Computer Science. University of Valencia, from 23rd January 1996 to 30th September 1998.

  • Full time Lecturer at the Dpt. System Engineering, Computers and Automatic Control (DISCA). Polytechnic University of Valencia, from 22nd November 1995 to 22nd January 1996.

  • Part time lecturer at the Dpt. Electronics and Computer Science. University of Valencia, from 20th October 1994 to 31st January 1995.

Sabbatical leaves/Research stays in International and National Universities:
  • Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos in Paraná (Argentina), from 9th October to 12th November 2014.
    Working field: FPGA and hardware design.

  • Sao Paulo State University - UNESP (Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil), from 27th September to 12th October 2012.
    Working field: Embedded systems and digital design.

  • University of Zielona Góra (Poland), from 1st June to 31th August 2012.
    Working field: Hardware design of complex adaptive systems.

  • University of Zielona Góra (Poland), from 13th July to 13th September 2011.
    Working field: Hardware design of complex adaptive systems.

  • Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos in Paraná (Argentina), from 9th August to 12th September 2010.
    Working field: FPGA and hardware design for bioengineering applications.

  • Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos in Paraná (Argentina), from 5th October to 5th November 2007.
    Working field: FPGA and hardware design for bioengineering applications.

  • Hame Polytechnic University in Valkeakoski (Finland) from 15th August to 15th October 2003.
    Working field: Advanced automation systems: industrial buses, SCADA systems and industrial management.

  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (School of Engineering in Albacete) from 1st July 1998 to 31st January 1999.
    Working field: Real-time Ventricular Fibrillation techniques.

  • University of Darmstadt-Institute of Microelectronic Systems, Germany, from 30th September to 30th December 1996.
    Working field: Hardware-software codesign and FPGA design techniques.

Memberships and research participation:
  • Member of the International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC.

  • Member of the Spanish Committee on Automatics - CEA.

  • Member of the International Program Committee for the CoDIT-17 conference, fourth (4th) edition of the International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. Barcelona, Spain. 5-7 April 2017

  • Chairman in session "SS24 - Embedded Systems and Reconfigurable SoCs" in IEEE-INDIN 2016, 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics. Poitiers, France. 18-21 July 2016

  • Member of the Technical Committee for the 12th IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems - PDeS. Velke Karlovice, Czech Republic. 25-27 September 2013

  • Chairman in session of the AVIC 2012 International Conference on Analog VLSI circuits. Valencia, 24-26 october.

  • Chairman in session of the IFAC World Congress 2011. Milan 29-aug to 2-sep.

  • Member of the Technical Committee for the RPIC2011: Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control. Paraná, Argentina.

  • Member of the Technical Committee for the IEEE-MWSCAS: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Cancún, México, August 2009.

  • Member of the International Advisory Committee in the 3rd IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems. Montpellier, La Grande Motte, France, 11-13 June 2008.

  • Member of the International Program Committee in the IV Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication Centric SoC (ReCoSoC '08). Barcelona, Spain, 9-11 July 2008.

  • Member of the Scientific Committee in the "Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías Inteligentes y de la Información (CITII 2008)", México, October 2008.

  • Chairman in session "PLC and RLC" in the III Workshop on Discrete Event Design Systems (DESDes '06). Rydzina, Poland, 26-28 September 2006.

  • Member of the Technical Committee for the II Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication Centric SoC (ReCoSoC '06). Montpellier, France, 3-5 July 2006.

  • Chairman in session "Compilation for Parallel Architectures I" in the I Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication Centric SoC (ReCoSoC '05). Montpellier, France, 27-29 June 2005.

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You can find me in:
   Block 3, Level 2, Office 3.2.32
   School of Engineering (ETSE)
   Av. Universitat, s/n
   E-46100 Burjassot. Valencia. SPAIN

or maybe it is better at:
   Phone: +34963543808

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