Manuel Sanchis i Marco ::.

.:: Personal corner

.:: How to reach me
.:: Languages
.:: University Education
.:: Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

How to reach me ::.

1. Office address: Facultat d'Economia
Av. Tarongers S/n,
E-40622 València
2. Telephone: +34-96-382 8570 (office)
3. E-mail address: (office)
4. Web site

Languages ::.

1. Spanish (mother tongue) 3. English (fluent) 5. Italian (fluent)
2. Valencian-Catalan (mother tongue) 4. French (fluent) 6. German (Grundstufe)

University Education ::.

2005-10: First Cycle in Philosophy (228 credits) University of Valencia
1995-96-99: Intermediate Macroeconomics The LSE Summer School
1993-94: Guest Scholar The Brookings Institution
1980-84: Doctor (with High Honours) in Economics University of Valencia
1979-80: Certificate of Advanced European Studies College of Europe
1972-77: Licenciado (with Distinction) (Economics) University of Valencia
1972-73: First Year in Economics Universidad Comercial de Deusto

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards ::.
  1. 1. 1993 94: European Commission. Fellowship granted by the European Commission to develop a research programme as Guest Scholar at 'The Brookings Institution'.
  2. 1990: Osaka Junior Chamber. TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young People) Programme.
  3. 1984: Ph.D. Prize granted to the best Ph.D. dissertation in the academic year 1983-84 by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia.
  4. 1983-84: Grant awarded by the European Commission to young professors to undertake research work on European integration.
  5. 1979-80: Scholarship granted by the Banco de Urquijo to pursue post-graduate studies at the College of Europe, Bruges.


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[ Graphic Designer: Blas Cubells | ]