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1st call exams of the 1st four-month period 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Exams Calendar


Call exams:

36796 Finance (DERECO)

35142 Financial management of tourism companies (GTUR)

35851 International finance (GADEDRET)

35894 International finance (GIB)

35916 Corporate finance (GIB)

35915 International financial management (GIB)

35946 Financial planning and management (GFYC)

35965 Corporate valuation, mergers and acquisitions (GFYC)

36513 Risk and Return Analysis (BIA)

35806 Theory of finance (GADE)

42812 Management tools (MUCGEI)

35945 Corporate Financing (GFYC)

35833 Corporate finance (GADE)

36156 Cooperative finance (GECO)

35855 Stock markets and strategies (GADE)

35852 Financial planning (GADE)