Suárez González, Alberto

Department of Informatics Engineering
Higher Polytechnic School
Autonomous University of Madrid
Cantoblanco University City
Calle Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11
28049 Madrid

91 497 75 31

91 497 75 31

Alberto Suárez got the degree of Graduated in Chemical Sciences in 1988, in the specialty of Quantum Chemistry. In 1993 he received the qualification of PhD in Phylosophy of Physical Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachussets, EE. UU.). He has carried out research stays in Stanford University (Stanford, California, EE. UU.), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium), supported by the European Commission within the “Training and Mobility of Researchers” programme, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Louvain, Belgium) and, as “senior visiting scientist” in International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA). He has carried out research projects in relaxation processes in condensate systems, stochastic and thermodynamics theory of off-balance systems, network and induction gas cellular automats from data. The areas in which he is currently developing his research and innovation activity include machine learning, quantitative and computational finance, analysis of time series and information processing in the presence of noise.