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Call for Tenders in Software Management of the Sweet Dreams Hotel proposed to students of the subject Software Engineering of the Degree in Telematics Engineering

  • December 11th, 2019
Call for Tenders in Software Management of the Sweet Dreams Hotel proposed to students of the subject Software Engineering of the Degree in Telematics Engineering

In the subject of Software Engineering of the Degree in Telematics Engineering we have organized a Call for Software Tenders between all our students.

The students, in a group of 6 people, had to create a small company in order to present to the Call for Software Tenders for the Sweet Dreams Hotel in Malos Aires. For this, they have had to analyse, design and develop a solution for the problem. The teaching staff of the subject, Silvia Rueda Pascual and Ignacio Panach Navarrete, have acted as a customers, with 4 companies in charge, respectively.

Only companies that pass the previous phase of the call for tenders, that is, that present a correct implementation based on an adequate analysis and design, will be able to pass the subject. In addition, as the final phase of the development of their product, companies must defend their product through a video presenting their functionalities.

At the end of the selection process, the winning company of the call for tender will obtain a La Tenda gift voucher worth € 100 (to be distributed among all the members).

But to get it, they need your help to get their reward. We want you to help us decide which of them has done the best job. Voting will be open until Friday, December 20 at 12 a.m. At that time, we will consult which video has more likes. In addition, there will be an internal voting between the members of the companies and a mark will be given by the teaching staff of the subject.

You can watch all the videos on the ETSE-UV YouTube channel:

To vote for each of the companies:

Empresa Code Breakers

Empresa EPIS

Empresa StrattonOakmont

Empresa JJGP Software

Empresa Empresa Merca Software

Empresa Spaghetti Software 2.0

Empresa Predator Engineering Inc.

Empresa Sesto Engineering

This initiative is part of the educational innovation project UV-SFPIE_PID19-1097874 "Software Development from an industrial perspective III" funded by the SFPIE of the Universitat de València.