02/07/14 - 02/07/14
“La erradicación de la violencia de género en la prensa escrita” (The eradication of gender violence in the written press) (Publisher: El Petit Editor), by Pau Crespo Donet
Launching of the book . Debates Forum
19/06/14 - 19/06/14
History of St. Tomàs School. Anniversary of the birth of Father Espasa
Round table, on the occasion of the launch of the book “Josep Espasa Signes (1914-1980)”. Debates Forum
17/06/14 - 17/06/14
“Willka” (Assisi editorial), by Carlos Gómez García, with illustrations by Verónica Montoya Agulló
Launch of the book, Debates Forum
16/06/14 - 16/06/14
Energies renovables i costos de l’energia elèctrica (Renewable energies and costs of electric energy)
Lecture. Debates Forum.
13/06/14 - 13/06/14
15 Anniversary of the literary programme La Vereda (Radio Klara)
Debates Forum
10/06/14 - 10/06/14
Els governs, captius i còmplices de la riquesa que empobreix (Governments, captives and accomplices of the wealth that impoverishes)
Round table. Debates Forum
09/06/14 - 09/06/14
“Los placeres de la edad” (“The pleasures of age”) ( Espasa publisher), by Carmen Alborch
Launch of the book. Debates Forum
09/06/14 - 09/06/14
Film presentation in La Nau. Debate Forum
05/06/14 - 05/06/14
Crisis and solutions for the energy model
Round table.Debates Forum. C. M. Rector Peset
03/06/14 - 03/06/14
The female teachers of the Republic
Screening of the documentary film. Debates Forum