As general entry requirement the applicants status should be contemplated in some of the presumptions of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of such Royal Decree.
Specific requirements:
a) Candidates’ ideal profile. People graduated in master’s degrees associated to this doctoral programme, mentioned above, correspond to the ideal entry profile. Moreover, those holding the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (DEA-a tertiary education degree)- obtained according to the Royal Decree 778/98, or the Research Proficiency, according to the regulations of the Royal Decree 185/85, in Doctoral Programmes related to this one.
b) Other entry profiles.
Those people who have studied a national or foreign official Master’s Degree(with a minimum of 60 credits) will also be considered to be ideal. offering training to develop philological research: (in areas such as text editing, diachronic analysis of languages, onomastics, historical sociolinguistics, corpus analysis, technological applications for philological studies), literary and cultural (in fields such as literary history, compared literature, literary genre, multiculturalism, studies of genre), linguistic (in areas such as the internal study of languages, pragmatics,
Psycholinguistics, translation and interpretation, the teaching and learning of languages, language industries).