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Application error messages

Application error messages

  • Work module not installed

    • Description: Unexpected error
    • Student action Notify the Center
  • Non-existent object

    • Description: This error has two possible interpretations:
      • Case 1: The student, record, receipt, etc ... searched does not exist
      • Case 2: Unexpected error, inconsistency in the Database
    • Student action
      • Case 1: This case is difficult to generalize. According to which object is the one that does not exist in the Database, this must be done.
      • Case 2: notify the Center
  • Incorrect field

    • Description: The specified field contains incorrect information. It may contain characters that are not allowed (even not visible), letters in a numeric field, a 'month' greater than 12, etc. 'Copy-paste' sometimes causes this error ...
    • Student action: Clear the field completely with the 'backspace' and 'delete' keys and try again.
  • Personal data altered by another user. Start again

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action:
      • Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again
      • Contact the center. There could be staff modifying the information of that student.
  • Course Data altered by another user. Start over.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronisation when saving the data, and there may be staff from the Centre modifying the same data.
    • Student Action: Reconfirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again.
  • Entrance data university course altered by another user. Start again

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again. You can also contact the center in case they are modifying the student's information.
  • Incorrect decade

    • Description: There has been a problem generating the NPA (Personal Student Number).
    • Student action: Notify the Center
  • Registration requested to erase

    • Description: The information requested is waiting to be deleted in a night process.
    • Student action: Notify the center.
  • There is already a receipt receipt for that subject. Notify the SIUV.

    • Description In the Database it is clear that for that student the subject indicated has already been associated with a receipt.
    • Student action Notify the center.
  • In pre-registration there is already that NIF with another NPA

    • Description: The NIF indicated already exists and has an NPA different from the current one.
    • Student action: Notify the center.
  • Type of grouping is not correct

    • Description: The grouping has no data in any of the types of Study or Study-Block or Study-Matter.
    • Student action: Notify the center.
  • NIF with several NPA.

    • Description: The NIF indicated already exists in the Database and has an NPA different from the current one.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • The residence during the course has been canceled by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem still persists, contact the Center.
  • The habitual residence has been canceled by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data. There may be personnel of the Center modifying the information of the student.
    • Student action: Go back and confirm the action again. If the problem still persists, contact the Center.
  • All data has been deleted by another user

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again. If still the problem persists, notify the center.
  • The license plate has been deleted by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem still persists, contact the Center.
  • The data entered in university have been deleted by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data. There may be personnel of the Center modifying the information of the student.
    • Student action: Go back and confirm the action again. If the problem still persists, contact the Center.
  • Fields 'Univ. Extranj.' and 'Initial Form' incoherent.

    • Description: The student comes from a foreign university and its starting form is different from PI (international program) and EX (foreign).
    • Student action: Contact the center.
  • Your center is not Postgraduate. Fields 'Univ.Extranj.' and / or 'start form' are incoherent.

    • Description: The student comes from a foreign university and its starting form is different from PI (international program) and EX (foreign).
    • Student action: Notify the center.
  • Group deleted by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again. If the problem still persists, notify the Center.
  • Try to cancel in a group where there are no enrolled.

    • Description: In the indicated group there are no students enrolled and therefore does not allow changes.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • This student is not enrolled in this subject.

    • Description: The student does not appear as enrolled in the indicated subject or there may be personnel of the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem still persists, contact the Center.
  • Can not be deleted, there is no registration in the subgroup.

    • Description: The deletion could not be carried out because in the Database the counter enrolled in the subgroup is 0.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • Subject deleted by another user.

    • Description: There has been a lack of synchronization when recording the data, and there may be staff from the Center modifying the same data.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again.
  • Incorrect username or password.

    • Description: No line has been found in the pre-registration in which the student is admitted, for the data of NIF, date of birth and Note specified.
    • Student action: Review the input data and re-enter it carefully:
      • The first data corresponds to the NIF or the document used in the GVA instance. You must put exactly the same characters you used there.
      • If it is a NIF, it must be filled with leading zeros until an 8-digit number plus the letter is obtained.
      • The date of birth must coincide with that indicated in the GVA. Use the format dd / mm / yyyy
      • You can use either of the two notes. Do not round.

    If you can not get in, contact the center

  • There are no subrupos to be written off.

    • Description: No subgroups have been found to annul that student.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • No existeix la titulació en Automatpar.

    • Descripció: Eixa titulació no està inclosa en la taula de paràmetres d'automatrícula.
    • Acció estudiant: Avise al Centre.
  • Missing modality to be defined.

    • Description: The student could not be distributed in subgroups of all modalities.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • Error, distribution already exists.

    • Description: The indicated student is already distributed in subgroups of that subject-group.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • There are no places in any teaching modality.

    • Description: All the subgroups of a group of a Teaching modality have been filled.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • There is no record in 'Matalu'.

    • Description: The student does not have administrative data for this academic year. It could have happened that the center's staff is modifying that student's record.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • There is no 'Automatpar'.

    • Description: The Automatricle parameter table for that degree was not found.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • Error inserting a subgroup.

    • Description: There has been a problem in trying to distribute the student in the subgroups.
    • Student action: Try again and if the problem persists, notify the Center.
  • Student with unregistered subject.

    • Description: The student is not enrolled in that Subject-group.
    • Student action: Re-confirm the action. If the problem persists, go back and start again.
  • No subgroups available.

    • Description: Subgroup 99 (repeaters) does not have places available to include more students.
    • Student action: Notify the Center.
  • The time group has no seats.

    • Description: The Set-schedule indicated for that subject does not have available places. It may have happened that while the student was enrolled, the last available place was confirmed for another student.
    • Student action: Try enrolling again in another time group. If you are not interested in another, you can start over and choose another grouping or set-starting time, as the case may be.
  • The total of credits to enroll exceeds the limit.

    • Description: By regulations there is a maximum and minimum limit of credits to be enrolled per year.
    • Student action: You can not enroll in more credits.
  • New student. You can not re-enter the application.

    • Description: The student adapted to the degree has already entered the self-enrollment application.
    • Action: To make any change, you must go to the center.
  • There are pending subjects required to enroll in lower grades.

    • Description: Before enrolling in a compulsory subject (O) or basic training (FB), it is mandatory by law, enrolled or have passed all subjects O or FB of lower grades.
    • Student action: Change to the lower course where you have Compulsory without passing or enrolling and enroll from them. Then you can go to the upper course and select subjects in it as long as it does not exceed the maximum credits.
  • The optional subject has already been selected in another course.

    • Description There are degrees in which an optional subject is offered in more than one course. He has already enrolled in the same subject in another course.
    • Student action You can not select the same subject. If you wish to take it in this course, delete the registration in the other course.
  • The degree does not allow you to modify your registration.

    • Description: There are degrees in which students are allowed to modify their enrollment and others that do not. In this case, your degree does not allow it.
    • Student action: Contact the center.
  • You can not mix electives of different mentions.

    • Description: There are degrees in which mentions are defined. In the same course you can only choose elective subjects of the same mention.
    • Student action: If you prefer the new subject, delete all the optionals registered in another mention before enrolling in this option.
  • For a country other than Spain, province must be Foreign.

    • Description: We only have cataloged the provinces of Spain. If you are from a foreign country, you must select the province called "foreign"
    • Student action: Select foreigner and try again.
  • Provincia no puede ser extranjero, si el país es España.

    • Descripción: Si se es español, debe seleccionar una provincia de España.
    • Acción estudiante: Seleccione una provincia española e inténtelo de nuevo.
  • Whatever the request / scholarship / s remember remember to submit the corresponding documentation.

    • Description: The student can not choose <scholarship> as enrollment modality. However you are reminded that you must deliver the documentation in the center.Prior to the creation of your receipt, you will be granted scholarship status (if applicable).
    • Student action: Understand the notice and present the documentation.
  • Type of tuition exemption.

    • Description

    Due to the need for documentary accreditation, students can usually only choose <Ordinary> as the type of registration exemption.

    Thanks to a service that allows us to connect directly with the conselleria of social welfare, we can provide students of the Valencian community with some type of exemption, such as Large family, special large family and disability.

    During the connection with the conselleria some problems may arise that are described below:

    To apply for any type of exemption or scholarship you must go to the secretariat of your center with the corresponding documentation.

    The next disability review date has expired.

    The disability condition could not be validated. You must present supporting documentation in the secretariat of your center.

    It has not been possible to validate the condition of large family / disability. You must present supporting documentation in the secretariat of your center.

    The expiration date for a large family has expired.

    It has not been possible to validate the condition of large family. You must present supporting documentation in the secretariat of your center.

    Connection with the Department of Social Welfare failed. Please go through the secretariat of your center with the documentation to confirm your exemption

    The exemption will be validated with the Conselleria de Bienestar Social.

    Type of exemption confirmed by the Ministry of Social Welfare

    • Student action

    If a connection error occurs, try again.

    If the problem persists, or disagrees with the telematics resolution of the conselleria , register with type of exemption <ordinary> and present later in the center the supporting documentation.