As general entry requirement they should be contemplated in some of the presumptions of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of such Royal Decree.
Specific requirement:
a) Ideal entry profiles: having taken the University Master’s degree in Research and Interventions in Master's Physical Activity and Sports Sciences related to this doctoral programme. An ideal entry profile could also be that of those people who have taken a master’s degree in the area of psychology or in the area of health. In all cases, the Master’s degree Thesis will have to be in relationship with an empirical problem with contrasted results, a review study, meta-analysis or a bibliometric study. A copy of the Master’s Degree Final Project shall be submitted. In the event of holding the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (DEA-a tertiary education degree)- obtained according to the Royal Decree 778/98– or the Research Proficiency- according to the regulations of the Royal Decree 185/85– ,
they must have been completed within Doctoral Programmes related to this.
b) Also, the students who have taken other Master’s Degree studies different to the ones mentioned above can be admitted, whenever they are Master’s degree related to these or to the research lines of the doctoral studies. In case the student has not received training in their master’s period in relation to research methodology or specific topics related to ageing, they will have to take a series of specific training complements at a master’s degree level
pointed out in the appropriate section. The students who fulfil the requirements will entry the doctoral programme, and the Doctoral Studies Academic Committee will be the responsible for verifying the compliance of the above requirements for the admission of the applicant. Additionally, all students who access through this profile will have to present a doctoral thesis programme endorsed by one of the teachers who participate in the doctoral programme. Such teachers will have to indicate their compromise for tutoring.