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Admission criteria:
The criteria of merits evaluation are the following:
• Adequation of the requested degree for the entry.
• Average of the academic record in the EHEA undergraduate degree.
• Doctoral Thesis Project: always in relation to the work areas and lines of the doctoral programme, the project will be assessed by its adequation to the following outline: updated introduction with the definition of a relevant research
problem and a theoretical justification of the used concepts; establishment of assumptions or objectives according to the studied problem; approach of the research design as well as of the evaluation tools, which should be adequately justified both in a theoretical level and by their technical and psychometric
characteristics; methodology of the data analysis that is going to be applied; updated bibliography with references preferably of the last ten years.
• Accredited proficiency in English, being able to read scientific texts.
• Academic and professional experience after the licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) or degree (scientific publications, academic stays in centres of excellence, research experience, professional experience, grants or scholarships, awards, etc.).
The former criteria will be assessed with the following standard scoring notation:
- Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree)/Degree in Psychology: 5 points
- Licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree)/Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences: 5 points
- Average grade of the student academic record: Up to 4 points
- Project of Doctoral Thesis: up to 4 points.
- Other related qualifications: up to 3 points
- Foreign languages certification: up to 5 points.
- Professional Experience: up to 5 points.
- Interview (if applicable): up to 3 points.