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2019 October, pieces


Fotografía: Sergio Montagud


Black vulture (Aegypius monachus) from the Albufera de Valencia. Historical collection of zoology of the UV. 1860.  M[UV]HN.



This species, is the largest raptor in Europe, with about three meters wide, is in serious regression throughout its range. It retains its best populations in the Iberian Peninsula. Currently, its two most important breeding centers in Spain are located in Andalusia-Extremadura and on the island of Mallorca. In the Valencian territory, sporadic sightings of dispersing black vultures occur every year; but in the past, there were breeding pairs that occupied the Iberian System and nearby areas. The work of Antimo Boscá "Valencian fauna" of 1916, already includes an image of this same copy.

   Foto: Sergio Montagud