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Surveys are a key instrument to know the views of the different interest groups and to obtain quantitative data on the degree of satisfaction of the user with, for example, university services.
The Quality Unit gives support to units that wish to conduct evaluation surveys in the framework of their own quality management systems. We will help in their design, implementation, management, processing and/or reporting of results. Services can request support by sending an email to, stating the following information:

  • Name of the person that requests it
  • Name of the service
  • Title of the survey
  • Objective of the survey
  • Target groups
  • Type of support requested (design, implementation, management, processing...)
  • Survey frequency
  • Preferred medium of publication or dissemination (paper, web...)
  • Does the survey belong to the internal quality assurance system of the service?
  • Does the survey respond to a request from the Strategic Plan?

The requests received will be prioritised in terms of their relationship to broader quality assurance or strategic development processes.
Priority will be given to requests from services that are implementing their quality management system, with the support of the Quality Unit, or that have already obtained the corresponding recognition.
Requests from services that need the survey results to respond to a specific requirement of the Strategic Plan will be addressed next.
Requests that are not part of a broad quality system or are not related to a Strategic Plan but that are aimed at improving the quality of services are the third priority.
All other requests related to the use of surveys for different purposes will be attended if possible.