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Expressions of interest

Expressions of interest for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 under Horizon Europe

Research Groups who are hiring Marie Sklodowska-Curie researchers in the framework of MSCA PF Postdoctoral Fellowships Call for Proposals 2024. To access the full EoI posted on Euraxess, click on the link provided below showing Euraxess logo.

Research field City, Country University, Centre Link to EoI MSCA IF 2024

Juridical Sciences, Political Sciences

València, Spain Universitat de València, Public Law Department, Law School, Jean Monnet module Citizens´ integration into EU democracy euraxess

Juridical Sciences, Political Sciences

València, Spain Universitat de València, Public Law Department, Law School, Jean Monnet Chair Services of General Economic Interest in the Framework of Social and Territorial Cohesion euraxess

Educational sciences

València, Spain Universitat de València, Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Transicions Research Group euraxess

Neurosciendes, Management Sciences

València, Spain Universitat de València, Department of Marketing and Market Research, , Research Group on Digital Marketing and Communications euraxess