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Partner search

Most European programmes require a minimum number of legal entities from different countries participating in the project proposal. There are different sources of information and databases suitable to find a project partner.

Networks and databases

National Contact Points will help you to get in touch with prospective project partners from any given European country.

The European Union, by means of its Funding & Tenders website, offers a Partner Search service for Horizon Europe projects.

Below there is a list of National Contact Point Networks with online partner search services:

Ideal-ist is an international ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) National Contact Point (NCP) network, supporting research and innovation activities for the EU Framework Programmes. The network includes more than 65 partners from Member States, Associated Countries, Eastern European Partner Countries (EEPC), Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), and other countries throughout the world.
Net4Society is the international network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 ("Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies") in Horizon 2020. National Contact Points (NCPs) are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding.
Fit for Health The Fit for Health 2.0 project has ended since 31 October 2017, but further to many requests from users, you can still use the euMatch partner search and match-making tool at https://mm.fitforhealth.eu/ to find suitable partners in the current EU H2020 funded projects in the Health thematics .
Seren The overall objective of SEREN4 is to strengthen the capacities of and cooperation among Secure Societies NCPs and to provide high quality support and services to programme applicants and the security community at large with the view to enhancing participation in the security research and innovation area.