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The Periodic Table is a paradigmatic example of how we understand scientific discoveries. For Chemistry, it is the most perfect tool for ordering, classifying and explaining the properties of elements and the behaviour of matter.

At a historical level, it represents the definitive establishment of Modern Chemistry as a discipline and at a social level it becomes a symbol of knowledge, we could even say a "pop icon".

This activity precisely proposes to place itself in the historical process of its discovery; at the same time that it gives an account of the process of collective accumulation of knowledge that underpins Dmitri Mendeleev's proposal in 1871. A different way of approaching the theoretical content where the result should not be assumed but the process should be experienced.




To convey the social and historical importance of the creation of the periodic table.

To rethink the idea of scientific discovery as a collective process of knowledge accumulation, beyond the action of an individual genius.

To accompany the users during the recreation of the cognitive process associated with a great scientific statement.


Target audience:  ESO
Maximum number of attendees:  In groups of 4/6 people
Place:   At the educational center
Duration  50-55 minutes


It is not necessary to have previously introduced the subject of the periodic table, but it is recommended.



During the workshop, each group is given a box containing the magnetic periodic table material.

First of all, they will have to find a way to classify the elements known in Mendeleev's time with the known (summarised) information of their properties and, subsequently, order them on a modern periodic table.

Next, the new elements that are discovered and other scientific phenomena that will affect the table will be made known, in chronological order.

At the end of the activity, the periodic table as we know it today will have been obtained. Then, with the material delivered by the groups and the completed activity, it will be verified that the periodic table process has been understood.

The key to the activity is the dialogue that occurs through joint participation.


Social networks

  • @CdCienciaUV
  • @MednightGTS



This activity is co-funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Innovation