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Lines of Research

Development and Environment


  • José Pérez Adán


Ecological Sociology


In this line of research, initiated in 1989, we have carried out various research projects on issues relating to:

  • The theoretical discussion on sustainable development
  • Degrowth, post-development and social change
  • Local and Regional Sustainability
  • Dynamics of socio-ecological conflicts
  • Labour relations and environment
  • Relationship between working conditions and sustainability
  • Environmental impact of consumption
  • Gender and environment
  • Environmental policies and management
  • Social participation in environmental issues
  • Values, beliefs and attitudes about environmental issues

In the projects aimed at understanding socio-ecological conflicts we have analysed problems derived from the conservation of natural parks (Albufera, Columbrets), from the management of coastal areas and from the gradual disappearance of the historic vegetable garden of Valencia. In the field of labour and the environment we have developed European projects (CHRX-CT94-0671) and of the National R&D Plan (SEC1995-1238-CE, SECO95-1577, SEC96-2103-E). We were also part of the IRENE network (Industrial Relations and the Environment network-Europe) since its founding in 1991 until its dissolution in 2003.

The theoretical analysis of the relationship between sustainability and development has resulted in numerous books and articles. Since 1996 we have maintained cooperation with a team from the Department of Applied Economics and with a team of biologists in interdisciplinary studies of regional sustainability. This cooperation materialised in various projects and publications. Other projects have studied the introduction of environmental policies at the regional level or the problems caused by the development of processes of Agenda 21 (Ontinyent).

The activity of this line of research has promoted directly or indirectly the production of various doctoral theses. We have maintained regular contact with the committee of environmental sociology from the FES-Spanish Federation of Sociology (one of the members of the line is currently the coordinator of this committee and of the Spanish network of environmental sociologists), with Network on Environment & Society at the ESA-European Sociological Association (one of the members of the line is now part of its coordinating committee) and the research committee "Environment and Society" of the ISA-International Sociological Association. Currently (2007) there are two ongoing projects in this line of research: "Saber científico-técnico y participación ciudadana en la innovación social" (Scientific and Technical Knowledge and Citizen Participation in Social Innovation, SEJ2005-03119) and "Indicadores y tendencias de desarrollo sostenible en la sociedad valenciana: económicos, sociolaborales y medioambientales" (Indicators and trends of sustainable development in the Valencian society: economic , social, labour and environmental).



  • Ernest García

Other researchers:

  • Mara Cabrejas
  • Raúl Lorente
  • Ignasi Lerma
  • Mercedes Martínez Iglesias
  • Francisco Palop
  • Albert Piñero
  • José Manuel Rodríguez Victoriano
  • Beatriz Santamarina