Facultat de Ciències BiològiquesEnllaç a Grau en Ciències AmbientalsUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Online advising

The Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre (OPAL) offers you a new service of Advising through videoconference, for you to, without moving from home, have the same provisions than if you come to our centre.

If you are interested in applying for a specific online advising appointment in OPAL, you must be either a student or a member of the University of Valencia, and then follow these simple steps:

1) Download the Skype programme through the website www.skype.com, check that it works properly and that you have microphone and speakers.

See support manual -only Spanish version available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2) Create a Skype user account.

3) Sign-in to OPAL. Do not forget filling in your Skype username.

4) Call 96 162 5901 and apply for an online advising appointment. You should provide your Skype username to the OPAL's staff.

BORO, Online Newsletter of Guidance Resources

The Online Newsletter of Guidance Resources (BORO) is a monthly online publication mainly addressed to high school guidance counsellors of the Valencian Community centres, with the aim that secondary education students can receive information about vocational and professional guidance, the contents of the degrees taught at the University of Valencia as well as relevant aspects concerning them, that may contribute to facilitate an appropriate vocational decision.

Job Opportunities portal

It is a multimedia guide containing information about different job options of the degrees of the University of Valencia.


Aim of the portal

To make public job posts directly and indirectly related with each one of the degrees taught at the University of Valencia.


Who is it addressed to?

  • Students and graduates of the University of Valencia who are interested in knowing the job opportunities directly and indirectly associated with their degree.
  • Entities (City Councils, Professional Associations, Trade Unions, etc.) that want to be informed about the different academic pathways and professional profiles of the graduates of the University of Valencia.
  • High school guidance counsellors who want to use the portal as a guidance tool.
  • Future students who want to know the contents and job opportunities of the degrees taught at the University of Valencia.