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Ingenia UV 2023
The call for Ingenia UV women’s entrepreneurship is open.

The Universitat de València, Santander Universidades and the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Business and Work, in the framework of the Campus for innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship LLAMP 5UCV, have allocated 6,000€ in prizes for the Ingenia UV women's entrepreneurship hackathon.

The aim of the program is to gather and train talent in women’s entrepreneurship, to boost women’s leadership and to offer the opportunity to the participants of this course of being trained for developing innovative business ideas.

It is addressed to women who are studying an official degree, master’s degree or doctorate of the Universitat de València enrolled in the academic year 2022-23 and 2023-24.

The persons who complete the program successfully will receive an attestation of the training received and will be able to win up to five invitations for the best business ideas to access the services of the UVemprén StartUP programme, 1,000€ for each of the three best innovative projects in the Mujer [Emprende] category and a special prize of 3,000€ for the best entrepreneurial project in the competition.

The program, which will take place from 13 to 15 September 2023, is organised in two phases. The first one will consist in several workshops of entrepreneurship training focused on the development of the participant’s business ideas. The second phase will focus on the presentation of the entrepreneurial projects in a public session for evaluation by the Evaluation Commission.


Date From 28 april 2023 to 3 september 2023. 24h. Every day.



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Contact uvempren@uv.es

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