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Frequently Asked Questions

1 - When and how do I have to apply for an Erasmus grant?

Application must be submitted on line through the Portal Serveis Estudiant.

The application period for academic year 2022-2023 will be from November 8th to November 26th, 2021. The student can search for the important information on the website and social networks of International Relations and Cooperation Office.

For students of Master Degree the call for A/Y 2020-2021 starts in other dates. Check thw website.

2. – How many ECTS do I have to possess to be allowed to apply for the Erasmus Studies grant? 

The Programme Erasmus+ does not permit to participate in exchange mobility to students in their first year of their bachelor studies.

To have successfully completed 42 credits in undergraduate degrees, counted at the end of the last academic year.

In case of students of Master Degree it is not required to have any minimum number of credits.

3. – How is the selection done? 

Applications will be prioritized according to the criteria established by the Faculty Mobility Commission. These criteria take into account the average of the transcript at the end of previous academic year, be enrolled in a program of High Academic Performance (ARA), have participated in the program Mentors for incoming students.. 

4. – I am a student from abroad, do I have the right to apply for an Erasmus Studies grant?

Yes, beside the Spanish students, citizens of any state member of the European Union can be a beneficiary of an Erasmus grant. This is also valid for students having a valid residence permit for the whole period of your planned stay in Spain. 

5. – I have already done an Erasmus Studies exchange, can I receive another Erasmus grant?

Yes. The only limit is the number of months of all stays not exceeding 12 months per cycle (bachelor, master and doctorate). In this way, for example, a law student can make 2 Erasmus study periods for 6 months. In the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy this cycle limit is 24 months.

6. – Can I go to Switzerland as an Erasmus student?

Actually, yes. Legally speaking, Switzerland do not participate in the Erasmus+ Programme. That is why Switzerland has put up the "Swiss-European Exchange Programme". The main difference students have to face is that they are not receiving the EU grant but they will receive a similar amount of money from the Swiss government. Application must be submitted through the Swiss university.

7. – What is the amount of the grants?

There is not one but several grants, each from a different organization or administration.

The total amount of the grants depends on the calls for aid should do different administrations European Union, Ministry of Education, regional government Generalitat Valenciana, University of Valencia, Valencia City Council and other councils. It also depends on what the student gather the requirements to be its beneficiary. See the summary in our section Economic Grants (Financial Aid)

8. – What grants are there and how can I apply for?

The amount of Erasmus grants for year 2022-2023 will be public by July 2022

In 2021-22 academic year students are receiving the EU grant. They are funded only for a maximum of 7 months. Student that has been assigned a mobility for the whole academic year also receive a Universitat de Valencia grant worth the equivalent to one or two months depending on the money available. You don't have to ask for EU grant or Universitat grant, they are assigned automatically.

Occasionally, you can apply for other grants  such as Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia City Council (Univex), other councils, etc.  On our website we publish notices of calls.

Regarding academic year 2022-2023 you can check all the information in section "Grants and Financial Support".

9 - How can I change my current account?

Change Bank account form: If you need to change your account number, fill out this form and send it to the pagos.erasmus@uv.es address along with a copy of the book or similar document showing all 24 digits, from your university email.

You can also submit these documents through Registre d'Entrada de la Universitat de València

10. – How is the recognition of the credit points gained at the host university done?

Both the student and the coordinator have to sign the so-called learning agreement showing all the subjects, you want to attend at the host university and also the equivalents being recognized at your home university. At the end of your stay, the host university will send your grades and the recognition of your credit points will be done, considering this learning agreement.

11. – If I go for first semester period, is it possible to extend my stay afterwards?

If you go during winter term, it is possible to extend your stay at all times in so far as your host university and your academic coordinator entitle you to do so. You have to send your application for extension before the end of term. This allowance is for academic purposes only, there is no grant extension.

12. – How can I find out which universities abroad can I apply to with regard to my study field?

Via the Portal Serveis Estudiant, you have access to a list of all destinations of each study field and by inserting the code of your study field.

13. – How can I get more information about the linguistic requirements and how to get them confirmed?

You can find information about the linguistic requirements in language requirement section

14. – Do I have to send any documents to the host university? And when?

As soon as the results of the selection process are published and you know your destination, you have to send all the documents in demand to your host university (application form, copy of your passport, etc.). You have to contact the destination university homepage to find out which documents are requested and find out the filing period. If you do not send your documents within this period, you can assume that you probably won’t be accepted as an Erasmus student.

15. – Is it possible that the host university rejects my application?

Yes, it is. If you do not verify the linguistic conditions the way the host university requires (some universities ask for a certificate of your language level); furthermore, if you do not send your documents within the filing period, your application could be rejected.

 16. – Who is my Erasmus academic coordinator?

There is an Erasmus academic coordinator for every field of study. You can find out the coordinator of your study field via the List of academic degree coordinators.

17.- Who is the Faculty's coordinator and what is his/her responsibility?

Each Faculty that participates in mobility programmes has a coordinator for the Faculty as the maximum responsible of the mobility programme. In case you cannot find your coordinator this one assumes the responsibility. You can consult the List of Faculty Coordinators

18. – Where can I find information about other themes not related to the university?

The official homepage of the European Union Your Europe provides pieces of advice very useful for everyone travelling through the 28 member states. You'll find it useful either on business or on holidays: necessary documents, healthcare, mobile phone, etc.

19.- What about have health care in the country of destination?

It is compulsory that you have some kind of health care in the country of destination. Usually through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you don't benefit from Social Security ask  to your Health Company (MUFACE or another one) about EHIC or the way you can get health care. If you have no health coverage you should buy some private insurance.

20. - I've already been accepted into the foreign university. Do I have to present any papers for the University of València before I leave?

Yes. There are documents you must present straight before you go, others you will have to email them when you're there and finally more original documents you must present once you are back. Economic aid and credit recognition depend on it. Please visit the right year and make sure you understand all the information in our Useful Documents section.

21.- Is there Erasmus+ mobility outside Europe?

Yes. Check the section Erasmus+ non-European Mobility.

22. - Erasmus+ for higher education students. Frequently Asked Questions

European Commission answered questions