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The main aim of the UVJob is to facilitate and promote employability of all UV students and graduates.
Professional and work-oriented guidance is available that enables you to receive information on aspects related to finding a job, including:

  • Tools and techniques for job hunting
  • Job availability
  • Career paths for different degree programmes
  • Most valued competencias and profiles
  • Training of interest for integration into the workplace
  • Professional career planning and development


One of the keys for successfully finding a job and managing your professional career path consists of identifying the main elements of the process and being aware that this requires certain preparation and a proactive stance.

Next, we propose three interesting activities to optimise your job search.

  • Know yourself

Before looking for a job, it is a good idea to reflect on your professional goals.

Further information

  • Planning

Information on professional career paths, job availability, most valued profiles, information resources, etc. This information enables you to be familiar with reality and plan an effective strategy.

Further information

  • Take action

Becoming familiar with tools and using proper techniques will make finding a job easier.

Further information

If you are looking for work you can also take part in activities that are offered by ADEIT (UV University-Business Foundation) in collaboration with the Valencian government and with financing from the European Social Fund.
They will help you improve your personal skills by informing you of basic tools that you may need. You will have access to job offers and guidance in participating in selection processes. The online system (Teleinserción) is an important boost in this process.
This service is geared towards unemployed graduates, who have registered as jobseekers in SERVEF and graduated from the University of Valencia with a 3-year degree (diplomatura), 5-year degree (licenciatura) or engineering degree (in the degree programmes that are being phased out), undergraduate degrees, official Master’s, PhD and UV degree programmes. Steps to take for gaining employment and receiving guidance for self-employment are provided annually from the end of the academic year until March of the following year.



After completing your studies at the University of Valencia, a 3-year degree (diplomatura), 5-year degree (licenciatura) or engineering degree (the phased out programmes) or undergraduate or postgraduate, as well as your work in a business with a Leonardo scholarship, , you can register for the job bank by downloading the appliction and send the completed form to emplenada a empleo@adeit.uv.es with an updated CV. To determine your current level of a language you can use the self-assessment chart.

Learn about different types of work contracts and in particular the characteristics of the new permanent contract supporting entrepeneurs suport als emprenedors or the contract for internships/workplacements, This facilitates accessing employment for university graduates for four years after graduation.

Find out about public employment for the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities, the European Union, Internacional Organisations and the Local Administration.

 Access public calls research at the University of Valencia.

Subscribete to the Valencian government newsletter or alert service to receive updated information on public employment. Use the EURES Network to find work in Europe. 2009 was the year of creativity and innovation  in Europe. 2010 was the fight against poverty and social exclusion, 2011 celebrated volunteer work and 2012 active aging.

To present your skills and personal qualifications in a simple and easily understood way, use  Europass documents to help you out professionally throughout Europe.

Regarding your language skills, we recommend using the  Common European Framework of Reference for Languages if you are unable to accedit language qualifications officially.

If you are thinking of self-employment or setting up your own business as a professional career path, the University of Valencia offers information, training and guidance for entrepreneurs.